Aryeh Eldad: Benjamin Netanyahu’s lovers and haters have turned lies into art

by time news

When Binyamin Netanyahu’s staunch fans accuse anyone who does not swear allegiance to him, does not wear a pendant in his image around his neck, or, God forbid, dares to criticize him – that he is a despicable leftist, or unfortunately a useful idiot who unknowingly serves the left – they know very well that they are lying.

But, perhaps as Yitzhak Shamir once said, “For the sake of the Land of Israel, it is permissible to lie,” they say to themselves, “For the sake of right-wing rule, it is permissible to lie.” If Netanyahu was a true right-winger, there might have been a shred of logic in their words. As if they said, in a literal translation: when you need the The thief is taken down from the gallows.

Except that Netanyahu is loyal to Eretz Israel only with no choice or on the eve of elections, and even his staunch followers know that if he could choose between a coalition with the right or with the left – he would choose the left. After all, that’s exactly how he drove in 2009. When he negotiated with the National Union just to lower the price of Ehud Barak, and in the end signed with him.

Netanyahu reacts to the golden pendant storm, Likud spokespeople

Not only his lovers turned their lies into their art. His staunch haters are also lying openly and knowingly when they claim that if God forbid Netanyahu wins, and is able to form a government, and even the 61 government – we are gone. He will fire the legal advisor to the government and replace her with a puppet advisor on his behalf, pass an improved French law, a superseding clause, order the state attorney to withdraw the indictments against him and stop his trial. And if the Supreme Court dares to interfere in these proceedings – it will surround the Supreme Court with tanks and throw the judges in jail.

I know some of those who have turned these sayings into a mantra that they recite devoutly. And since to the best of my judgment most of them are not idiots – it is clear to me that they are knowingly lying. But in war – as in war. Everything is kosher. When you need a lie, you also take it off the gallows and turn it into the truth.

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Let’s examine the claim “If Netanyahu becomes prime minister – he will cancel the trial against him.”

During his tenure as Prime Minister, Netanyahu has already selected several legal advisors. It began with the failed attempt to appoint Roni Bar-On, through Eliakim Rubinstein and Yehuda Weinstein, and ended with Avihai Mandelblit. All of them were apparently his candidates, people of his faith. But none of them became Kash’s ombudsman. And when the time came to decide against him – that’s what they decided.

But let’s even assume that Netanyahu wins the elections, and his entire government will be an automatic successor, and he will fire Beharve-Miara and appoint his lawyer Yossi Cohen or his relative David Shimron to the Ombudsman, for example – even in that case, Netanyahu’s trial will continue to be conducted as usual.

We will follow the line of thought drawn in front of us by Netanyahu haters who try to terrorize us. They say that Netanyahu will try to stop the trial. That is, the new legal advisor will send the state attorney (also new) to the court and inform the judges that the state wishes to withdraw the indictment. The judges will ask for significant reasons. And in the absence of such reasons – the trial will continue.

From the moment the trial began, Netanyahu’s legal fate was in the hands of the judges. This is the case in my district, and this is the case with the appeal to the Supreme Court, which will without a doubt be conducted at the initiative of one or both of the parties, unless Netanyahu and the prosecution reach a plea agreement beforehand.

And here we come to the second line of defense of those who claim that Netanyahu wants to win the elections just to stop the trial. Since they know that the trial cannot be stopped without a decisive legal reason (“new facts” that seemingly clear Netanyahu of all suspicion) – they say that Netanyahu wants to be prime minister again – in order to win a plea agreement under favorable conditions.

Apparently the situation is quite the opposite. Eliakim Rubinstein, when he was Attorney General during the days of the Amadi affair, the transports and the gifts – decided to close the cases against Netanyahu “due to lack of sufficient evidence” (and contrary to the opinion of then state attorney Edna Arbel). But many believe that Rubinstein decided this also because Netanyahu was no longer prime minister and retired from political life.

When the Supreme Court comes to approve the plea agreement between Netanyahu and the prosecution (and there is no doubt that the Supreme Court will have to deal with this, if and when), there is reason to believe that it will agree to a lenient settlement only if Netanyahu is no longer active in political life. If there is an incumbent prime minister – the supreme judges (including the “conservatives” among them) will not approve a completely absurd arrangement, which is contrary to the rules of natural and legal justice, certainly not an arrangement that will leave it intact and them – apparently subject to the whims of his heart and his tank battalions.

And therefore, the argument that Netanyahu wants to be prime minister in order to win a plea deal does not hold water.

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And since stopping the trial is not possible and a lenient settlement does not depend on whether Netanyahu is prime minister – we are told that Netanyahu, as prime minister, will immediately enact a “French law” that will allow the continuation of his trial as long as he is in office.

Assuming that Netanyahu can obtain a majority in the Knesset for such a law – the High Court of Justice may not reject the law itself, but will reject its retroactive application to Netanyahu. If Netanyahu enacts a “superseding clause” to prevent the law from being invalidated by the High Court – such a clause will also be invalidated by the High Court If it applies to Netanyahu, Netanyahu’s opponents say that in such a case, Netanyahu will send police or soldiers, arrest the Supreme Court Justices and appoint others under them.

come on. Even the extremists among Netanyahu’s opponents know that there is no such film. They know – but sit back and memorize the script in our ears. And they do this because they know very well that the admiration for Netanyahu – like the hatred for him – has long been not a logical assessment of a situation but a state of mind, faith, religion. It’s hard to turn atheists into believers. Or God-fearing for unbelievers mainly. But it is possible to enthuse believers.

Anyone who has seen Chassidim during “Tish” at the Rebbe’s, and felt the growing devotion and enthusiasm as the tune turns and goes and repeats again and again, knows the power of repetition. Of closing the eyes, moving the body, the simple and infectious musical phrase of the tune.

And this is how his lovers and haters knowingly act. Repeat and memorize familiar and catchy sentences. They know that only a few on the other side will convert. But they seek to excite the convinced. To put them in the “Doomsday War” atmosphere until the elections. Recruit all the voters, down to the last one of them. to wake up the indifferent. Turn supporters into activists. And for this, they are convinced, not only is it permissible to lie – it is also profitable.

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