Aryeh Rimini has been appointed director of the VAT Authority

by time news

This morning, the government approved the proposal of the Minister of Finance, Avigdor Lieberman, to appoint Aryeh Rimini to the position of Director of GPA (Computerized Processing Service) in the Tax Authority.

The selection committee for the position of director of the GPO, headed by Eran Yaakov, director of the Tax Authority, unanimously recommended to the Minister of Finance the appointment of Aryeh Rimini to the position. Rimini will replace Liora Ben Ephraim, who resigned about four months ago.

In his new position, Rimini will join the senior management of the Tax Authority and will be entrusted with the management of the digital system (Computerized Processing Service), the IT unit with about 500 employees and responsible for providing computer services to Tax Authority employees and customers, with responsibility for initiation, development and management. A range of services according to the Tax Authority’s vision and strategy, according to which the Authority will operate to efficiently and effectively, online and multi-channel tax collection and lead processes of improving the service to users by harnessing advanced technologies for the development of online services and applications.

Arie Rimini brings to the GPO and the Tax Authority his experience in leading technology and operations entities in the largest companies in the economy, such as the Bezeq and Osem Group. , Insurance, government and security. In addition, under his management, the company brought to the software market in Israel technological innovation in the fields of cyber, big data, cloud and fintech, which were developed internally in the company, brought from abroad or developed in Israeli startups and promoted in the Taldor incubator. As the CEO of the startup Motiv8AI, which develops artificial intelligence solutions combining psychological theories for financial entities around the world.

Rimini, a lieutenant colonel in the reserve, a graduate of the Maram and Service track in Unit 8200, as well as having a bachelor’s degree in computer science and business administration.

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