As Han Dong-hoon’s speech began, he called him a “traitor”… and his supporters even fought each other

by times news cr

2024-07-15 10:16:35

At the joint speech of Daejeon, Sejong, Chungcheongbuk-do, and Chungcheongnam-do at the 4th National Convention of the People Power Party held at the Yu Gwan-sun Gymnasium in Cheonan, Chungcheongnam-do on the afternoon of the 15th, some attendees shouted “traitor” at candidate Han Dong-hoon who was giving a speech and tried to throw chairs, but security guards and party officials tried to stop them. 2024.07.15. Newsis

On the 15th, a physical clash between supporters occurred at the joint speech hall of the People Power Party’s 7/23 convention, which was criticized as a “suicide squad” within the party. When candidate Han Dong-hoon began his speech, some supporters of candidate Won Hee-ryong shouted, “Get out, traitor,” and attempted to throw a chair at a supporter of candidate Han who tried to stop him. In the process of candidate Han’s supporters and the convention security guards trying to stop them, a clash broke out, with supporters pushing each other’s shoulders and swearing.

On this day, when National Election Commission Chairman Suh Byung-soo said, “Recently, unverified opinion polls have been reported, which is further clouding the primary,” supporters of candidate Han chanted, “Resign,” and “Shut up.” When he pointed out that candidate Han’s camp had reported that its own opinion poll showed a majority approval rating, supporters of candidate Han began to protest. In response, Chairman Suh asked, “Are you voluntary supporters of candidate Han, or were you mobilized?” As tensions rose amid the extreme pitched battles between candidates during the previous election period, and supporters even fought each other, there were criticisms within the party that “the candidates who provoked their supporters are responsible.”

● Hand-to-hand combat between Korean and Yuan supporters during Korean speech

At the joint speech of Daejeon, Sejong, Chungcheongbuk-do, and Chungcheongnam-do at the 4th National Convention of the People Power Party held at the Yu Gwan-sun Gymnasium in Cheonan, South Chungcheong Province on the afternoon of the 15th, some of the attendees were shouting at candidate Han Dong-hoon, who was giving a speech, calling him a

At the joint speech of Daejeon, Sejong, Chungcheongbuk-do, and Chungcheongnam-do at the 4th National Convention of the People Power Party held at the Yu Gwan-sun Gymnasium in Cheonan, South Chungcheong Province on the afternoon of the 15th, some of the attendees were shouting at candidate Han Dong-hoon, who was giving a speech, calling him a “traitor,” and were then violently protesting, as security guards and party officials tried to stop him. 2024.07.15. Newsis

At the joint speech held at the Yu Gwan-sun Gymnasium in Cheonan, South Chungcheong Province, two minutes after candidate Han began his speech, some of Won’s supporters shouted “traitor” and “get out.” Candidate Han said, “Just leave it alone. It’s okay to yell.” A clash broke out when a YouTuber supporting Won tried to throw a chair. In response, Candidate Han pulled out a fixed microphone and went to the front of the stage, saying, “It’s okay to shout that I’m a traitor, but don’t ignore other people’s opinions. Don’t assault other people.” “Isn’t this the level of politics of the People Power Party?” Candidate Han also said during his speech, “I will minimize my response to groundless matadors (black propaganda) in the future to prevent the party from becoming chaotic.” While Won has been attacked with terms such as “filth,” “urinating in public,” and “multiple personalities,” he is trying to reduce the variables by responding at the very least since he is ranked first in the opinion polls.

On this day, the area in front of the gymnasium was noisy as thousands of supporters of each candidate gathered together. Boos erupted as the speeches began. A candidate who did not support expressed his discontent by making an ‘X’ with both arms during the speech. A ruling party official said, “As the two candidates who do not want to support each other are facing off, the emotions of the supporters are boiling over,” and “There are voices within the party saying that it would be better to end it as soon as possible rather than going into this kind of ‘divided party’ farce.”

On this day, a post was made on an online internet community saying, “Han Dong-hoon is going with a knife,” and “He is going for revenge with an egg and a knife.” The police began to track down the person who posted it.

● Won “Drew King comes to mind” Han “Why are voluntary comments wrong?”

On this day, the harsh criticism continued against the ‘1st strong’ candidate. Candidate Na Kyung-won targeted candidate Han in her speech, saying, “Isn’t the charge of party intervention and state affairs manipulation being put on former Presidents Lee Myung-bak and Park Geun-hye?” and “A candidate who is actually giving strength to the opposition party’s impeachment offensive is truly selfish, dangerous, and unstable.”

Candidate Won Hee-ryong's speech scene. Reporter Jang Seung-yoon

Candidate Won Hee-ryong’s speech scene. Reporter Jang Seung-yoon [email protected]

Candidate Won mentioned the allegations of a private opinion-forming team and a “comment team” against Candidate Han, saying, “If they actually exist, they are serious criminal acts. Think of the Druking case and you’ll understand.” He continued, “Even if Candidate Han becomes the party leader, he will be unable to perform his duties as party leader normally due to these serious legal risks.” He also asked, “How long would a candidate who failed internal verification last if he becomes the party leader?” Candidate Han met with reporters and refuted them, saying, “Is it wrong for a voluntary supporter to leave a comment?” and “I have never paid money to hire anyone or run a team.”

On this day, Won targeted candidate Han, who promised to propose a special prosecution bill for Private First Class Chae, who holds the right to recommend a special prosecutor, and emphasized, “If the political goals of the party leader and the president are the same, why would they support a special prosecution that lawmakers oppose?” and “If we don’t appoint a party leader who can block a special prosecution, we’re all doomed.” Yoon Sang-hyun also met with reporters and said, “Regarding the ‘Special Prosecutor Bill for Private First Class Chae’ proposed by candidate Han, party members may think that it could be a pretext for impeachment and a detonator in party-government relations.”

One candidate said, “The issue of budget cuts for research and development (R&D) was rough. It was not sophisticated,” and added, “With your trust, I will prevent the Republic of Korea from going down the wrong path.” This is interpreted as a clash with the presidential office, mentioning the R&D budget cuts that had a negative impact on public sentiment in the Daejeon general election.

Reporter Cheon Yan = Choi Hye-ryeong [email protected]
Reporter Cho Kwon-hyung [email protected]

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2024-07-15 10:16:35

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