“As nature abhors a vacuum, terrorists will not miss such an opportunity”

by time news

MAINTENANCE – The junta declared on Tuesday evening that France no longer has a “legal basis” to operate in Mali. This rupture leaves a boulevard to the Russian group Wagner, judge the former colonel of the navy troops Peer de Jong.

Peer de Jong is vice-president of the Themiis Institute, geopolitics specialist and former colonel of the Marine Infantry Troops.

LE FIGARO.- Mali on Monday denounced two defense agreements linking it to France. What did they understand?

Pear DE JONG. † Two agreements have been signed with Mali. A defense agreement negotiated at the time of Sarkozy and signed in 2014. And an agreement on the stationing of forces (Status of Forces Agreement SOFA, in English Editor’s note) in 2014 as part of Operation Barkhane, then in 2020. We have signed this type of agreement with a series of French-speaking countries, but at the end of decolonization two countries did not wish to sign one: Guinea -Conaky and Mali.

How does Mali justify this denunciation?

Bamako did not appreciate France’s progressive announcements on its commitment to Mali. In particular the official announcement of the end of Barkhane and the restructuring of its operation. They accuse us of having made this announcement without…

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