As the elections approach, Muharrem İnce’s call to CHP and IYI Party: Let’s make an alliance

by time news

Muharrem İnce, Chairman of the Country Party, who applied to the Supreme Election Board (YSK) for the presidential candidacy in the Presidential Elections and the 28th Term Parliamentary Elections, made remarkable evaluations in the television program he attended.

Indicating that Turkey cannot be governed, Ince said, “Sisi is now a putschist, Musi is no longer a city, UAE is not a financier, Israel is a murderer, it is not a shame to sell tents. Ekşi closes the dictionary. Why? There is an insult. Do we close it when a murder is committed in Taksim? TAF is getting down to the field late. “He makes a statement every day because we are not late. There is a tired Erdogan. This Erdogan will go, but will this happen with the 6-piece Table? The table fell, he stood up. For example, Kılıçdaroğlu says, ‘Will Ali Dibo become the Minister of Justice? ?’ He is talking about Sadullah Ergin. Where is Sadullah Ergin now? The representative of the commission that will determine the deputies from the DEVA Party. Mr. Kılıçdaroğlu was going to send Ali Babacan to the Supreme Court, now he is the Vice President. What hope can come out of this, someone tell me,” he said. .

Ince, who also called for a new alliance, said, “For example, I propose an alliance to Turkey; CHP, IYI Party, Homeland Party. It does not discuss the first 4 articles of the Constitution, it does not discuss the Turkish flag, it does not discuss sects.”

The continuation of İnce’s statements is as follows; “The AK Party is forming an alliance with HÜDAPAR. The MHP is also silent. There is no principle because there is no principle. The People’s Alliance is an alliance of interests. The Alliance of the Nation is also an alliance of interests. I am 59 years old. I became a member of parliament 21 years ago. I voted in the March 1, 2003 memorandum. 15.5 million I won the vote and came 2nd in the Presidential election. I went to Ağrı 3 times. I passed between Hakkar and Şırnak 3 times. From Artvin to Edirne I travel every inch of Turkey. I walked around in a long-sleeved shirt. A short-sleeved shirt does not suit a politician. You will send Babacan to the Supreme Court, you will make him vice-president if you have given up. They could not manage the table, how will they rule Turkey?

In order to send this government, it is necessary to send this opposition. Turkey did not bring opposition to this situation, it brought power, I have no objection to that. I do not want to say amen to the prayer that will not happen. I see a prayer that will not be in the middle; In politics, these things cannot work with the method of perception, with political engineering. Hall men and parlor men. I am a street politician. I touch people. I know cafes and industrial sites in Nişantaşı. The opposition would win with 60 percent, I was a bulge! CHP’s Faik Öztrak said when Ekmeleddin İhsanoğlu was nominated, ‘We win with 60 percent’. The same person is saying the same words now. I was just the CHP’s candidate. Ekmeleddin İhsanoğlu was the candidate of 14 parties. I just got 30 percent more votes than CHP. I wish I had not held the Istanbul rally, I regret it. It was said, ‘This is winning,’ I wish we could have done that rally when we started.

Mansur Yavaş lost once, lost again, won. Kılıçdaroğlu lost 13 times, I lost once. I missed a penalty once. I opened that message, do you regret it, I regret it. I will say, ‘the selection is in the second round’. I don’t know if I lost, I don’t know if I won. CHP did not do its job. I am a presidential candidate. CHP did not put observers in 12 thousand 843 ballot boxes. That’s 4 million votes. Unless you put observers in that many ballot boxes. To ask me about election night while this document of YSK is in the middle. They’ve officially sold me! My mistake was trusting my party. I loved those youth, women’s branches, district presidencies. The one who operated above destroyed this system. Meral Akşener, Where was Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu? Everyone is asking me. They stabbed me that night.

Politics is a business of compromise. When I became a presidential candidate, I visited Erdoğan, Akşener, Demirtaş and Karamollaoğlu. The trolls are posting the photo taken that day with Erdoğan as if it was taken today. Someone is looking for our Istanbul provincial president. Kemal’s best friend. He said he wanted to meet with your chairman, I said okay. I said you want to meet with me. He said, “I’m so sorry, let me meet you.” I said okay, it’s been 2 months. 2 people came to my office. They said, ‘Can’t we find a way to compromise? I said I’d give you an olive branch. You have these trolls, I said three people. T’s, E’s, O’s trolls. I said not to insult these trolls. Some people are sitting at CHP Headquarters to denigrate Muharrem İnce. Not just AK trolls.

I get a lot of votes from the AK Party. Mr. Kemal can’t take it, I do. They see me too. Today, we sat side by side with a deputy on the plane at the CHP, and I told him, ‘it’s a shame’. If we’re going to sit down and talk, I thought I’d give you an olive branch. I said not to throw the slanders that ‘the man of the palace is supporting the AK Party’. There is no need for the AK Party; CHP is very adept at eating its own children. Mr. Akşener said ‘I want a candidate to win’ at the table, and got up from the table. What did the same mahfils say to Meral Akşener? He suffered the wrath of the trolls at the CHP Headquarters.”

Homeland Party Muharrem İnce IYI Party Politics Current News

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