Asaenes launches ‘CorresponsibleMente: Promoting male role models for mental health care’

by time news

2023-08-16 08:48:46

WP_Post Object
[ID] => 96862
[post_author] => 2
[post_date] => 2023-08-16 08:48:46
[post_date_gmt] => 2023-08-16 06:48:46
[post_content] =>

Asaenes Mental Health Seville has launched, this year, an innovative project called “CorresponsibleMente: Promoting male role models for Mental Health care”. The same, developed thanks to the financing of the Ministry of Social Inclusion, Youth, Families and Equality of the Junta de Andalucía, has as main objective to promote attitudes for co-responsibility and assumption of the exercise of care by men, in the context of family units with people with mental health problems. Care is an activity that today is strongly feminized. According to a study conducted by Euphami (European Federation of Associations of Relatives of people with mental health problems), the person who usually cares for a person with a mental health problem in Spain belongs to the female gender and dedicates an average of 24 hours a week to care work. It should also be noted that, based on data from the Family Intervention Program developed by Asaenes, for each male relative of a person with mental health problems who requests information, guidance or advice, 2.6 women do it.

The care mechanisms themselves produce negative health effects due to overload physical and psychological. Care has been associated with a higher prevalence of mental health problems. In addition, these tasks compete with the time dedicated to other types of social and family activities, drastically reducing leisure time. It is also important to point out the abandonment, on many occasions, of employment or the impossibility of accessing it, taking this Negative consequences in the labor and economic field.

Thus, Asaenes Mental Health Seville This project intends to inform about the right to care and the family organization of care for people with mental health problems, in addition to increasing the number of men informed about the need for co-responsibility and their involvement in care and household tasks, through actions and information campaigns. The entity considers that the work to be carried out to form new models of non-hegemonic masculinity through various workshops, as well as the awareness of the need for a greater and better distribution of care tasksthat they help with it deconstruct the association between care and femininity.

Undoubtedly, it is a new and interesting project With which Asaenes Salud Mental Sevilla continues on the path of work for people with mental health problems and their families, also promoting real equality between women and men.

[post_title] => Asaenes launches ‘CorresponsableMente: Promoting male role models for mental health care’
[post_excerpt] => The ‘CorresponsableMente’ initiative aims, among other objectives, to raise awareness about the need for a greater and better distribution of care tasks, which falls mainly on women.
[post_status] => publish
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[post_name] => co-responsibly-male-referents-mental-health
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[post_modified] => 2023-08-16 08:48:46
[post_modified_gmt] => 2023-08-16 06:48:46
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Asaenes launches ‘CorresponsibleMente: Promoting male role models for mental health care’

The ‘CorresponsableMente’ initiative aims, among other objectives, to raise awareness about the need for a greater and better distribution of care tasks, which falls mainly on women.

Asaenes Mental Health Seville has launched, this year, an innovative project called “CorresponsibleMente: Promoting male role models for Mental Health care”. The same, developed thanks to the financing of the Ministry of Social Inclusion, Youth, Families and Equality of the Junta de Andalucía, has as main objective to promote attitudes for co-responsibility and assumption of the exercise of care by men, in the context of family units with people with mental health problems.

Care is an activity that today is strongly feminized. According to a study conducted by Euphami (European Federation of Associations of Relatives of people with mental health problems), the person who usually cares for a person with a mental health problem in Spain belongs to the female gender and dedicates an average of 24 hours a week to care work. It should also be noted that, based on data from the Family Intervention Program developed by Asaenes, for each male relative of a person with mental health problems who requests information, guidance or advice, 2.6 women do it.

The care mechanisms themselves produce negative health effects due to overload physical and psychological. Care has been associated with a higher prevalence of mental health problems. In addition, these tasks compete with the time dedicated to other types of social and family activities, drastically reducing leisure time. It is also important to point out the abandonment, on many occasions, of employment or the impossibility of accessing it, taking this Negative consequences in the labor and economic field.

Thus, Asaenes Mental Health Seville This project intends to inform about the right to care and the family organization of care for people with mental health problems, in addition to increasing the number of men informed about the need for co-responsibility and their involvement in care and household tasks, through actions and information campaigns.

The entity considers that the work to be carried out to form new models of non-hegemonic masculinity through various workshops, as well as the awareness of the need for a greater and better distribution of care tasksthat they help with it deconstruct the association between care and femininity.

Undoubtedly, it is a new and interesting project With which Asaenes Salud Mental Sevilla continues on the path of work for people with mental health problems and their families, also promoting real equality between women and men.

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