ASEICA requests the recognition of the doctor-researcher in the SNS

by time news

2023-09-26 14:57:54

The Spanish Cancer Research Association (ASEICA) has demanded the recognition of the doctor-researcher in the National Health System (SNS), a “primary” group to face the increase in cancer cases that is expected for the next decade.

The main representatives of the Spanish Cancer Research Association (ASEICA) in the presentation of the proposal on the doctor-researcher. Photo provided

According to data from the World Health Organization (WHO), in the coming years, one in two men and one in three women will develop cancer, a disease that in 2040 will reach 28 million people around the world and that will end of the century will be the main cause of death.

“Cancer is one of the great scourges of humanity” and, although in recent years life expectancy has risen to 60 percent, “there is still a long way to go for improvement, an improvement that will only come hand in hand of research because without research there is no progress,” warned the oncologist and president of the Royal National Academy of Medicine, Eduardo Díaz Rubio.

In Spain there are many doctors who are dedicated to research in hospitals but these professionals, who are closest to the patient, “have clear problems doing research because their work is organized around care work,” explained the doctor. former president of ASEICA and head of the Oncology Service at the 12 de Octubre Hospital in Madrid, Luis Paz-Ares.

These doctors, added the oncologist at the Marqués de Valdecilla University Hospital in Santander, Ignacio Durándo not have regulated or recognized research time, which forces them to investigate after their work day and to do so in a “voluntary” manner and this lack of institutional support ultimately causes these professionals to abandon research.

Furthermore, doctors who do research see their work penalized because, despite the time they have dedicated to their training (the majority are doctors with postdoctoral stays abroad), “it is not counted or recognized as merits in their professional career,” Durán explained.

Challenges and proposals for improvement

To reverse this situation, the president of ASEICA and researcher at the National Center for Oncological Research (CNIO), Marisol Soengashas presented this Tuesday a document with proposals to implement the figure of the doctor-researcher, a category of medical personnel that is recognized in the Science Law but that the regional governments have still not developed.

Six challenges and challenges

There is no defined trajectory that establishes how to advance in the professional career of the medical-researcher group. 70% of professionals regret job uncertainty as one of the most important challenges. There is no category of medical-research specialist in the SNS.

Lack of protected time for research. 80% consider that the healthcare burden prevents dedicating time to research.

Little or inconsistent assessment of the research work by the assessment organizations, which is why many doctors give up on research to obtain more projection with purely healthcare work.

Lack of clinical and translational research programswith deficiencies both in university programs and in residences.

Lack of funding in Spain for research, with only 1.42% of the GDP and more than 75% of the projects below the budget of 65,000 euros. There are also not enough collaborative projects between hospital and academic centers.

Lack of support and training in innovation and transfer of results.

Six solutions and proposals for improvement

Establish the category of the doctor-researcher in the SNSwith well-defined tasks between care dedication and protected time for research.

Recognize the professional research career to end the professional disadvantage with respect to solely healthcare personnel, and guarantee research as a factor for stabilizing places in the SNS. Recognize the six-year periods dedicated to research and training programs of excellence both in Spain and abroad to advance one’s professional career.

Increase funding for individual and collaborative projects, and reduce the wage gap with respect to healthcare personnel without research dedication.

Regulate the accreditation of Clinical Services or Departments as a means for the respective health services to reserve a number of places for the medical-research group in hospitals.

Develop scientific training programs in medical schools, highlighting the figure of the doctor-researcher in profiles that are difficult to treat. Promote dual training programs both in universities and in residences.

Facilitate innovative activity in oncology within the SNS.

#ASEICA #requests #recognition #doctorresearcher #SNS

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