ask your questions to the elected Laurence Rossignol (PS) and Nelly Garnier (LR)

by time news

Cover image: A wall full of “Collages Féminicides Marseille” displayed by a feminist organization, in Marseille, on July 12, 2021. NICOLAS DUCAT/AFP

#metoo: 5 years of a revolution. In 2017, the Harvey Weinstein affair broke out in the United States, causing a global shock wave that would free speech against gender-based and sexual violence. According to some fifty articles, reports and opinion pieces, published from October 5 to 15, The world retraces the main stages of this revolution, which, if it carries some excesses, is the bearer of much progress and immense hopes.

What does #metoo mean? On October 5, 2017, the New York Times published an investigation revealing the sexual assault and harassment that the famous film producer Harvey Weinstein had subjected many women to for years. Party of Hollywood, the movement is symbolized by this hashtag picked up by actress Alyssa Milano ten days later on October 15and which is sweeping the social networks, #metoo (” me too “). Other keywords will appear around the world, including #balancetonporc, launched in France by journalist Sandra Muller. Five years later, let’s take stock of this sexual, cultural, social and legal revolution, in France and around the world. Have things really changed in 2022? Has equality between men and women advanced?

In the program :

We’ll talk all day of the #metoo movement and its impact on your lives and around the world. You will be able to testify in the comments and ask your questions to our speakers during two chats:

  • Chat at 10 a.m.: Laurence RossignolSenator (PS) for Oise and former Minister for Women’s Rights, and Nelly Garnierelected (LR) to the Paris City Hall, regional councilor and communicator at Havas, will answer your questions about #metoo and politics.
  • Chat at 2:30 p.m.: Catherine Le Magueresse, lawyer, doctor of law and former president of the European Association against violence against women at work (AVFT), will speak on #metoo et la justice.

For further :

Investigation. Five years after #metoo, the shock wave: what has changed in families, at school, in court…

Analyse. Anti-feminism thrives on social media

Decryptions. #metoo, the “anger engine” of feminist activists

Investigation. In companies, a difficult fight against sexist acts and sexual harassment

Reportage. In Saint-Denis, the difficult #metoo of working-class neighborhoods

Narrative. In sport, a variable geometry awareness

Testimonials. At the Superior School of Dramatic Art of the North, consent as a banner

Maintenance. “Today, all young adults have heard of consent”

Tribune. Gender-based and sexual violence: “The low number of convictions encourages us to find new ways of working”

Find all our articles on the 5 years of #metoo in our large format

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