Assaf Zamir and 12 others became infected

by time news
burst Corona In the “Beit Israel” building in the Upper East in New York, where the offices of the Israeli Consulate, the delegation to the UN, the Procurement Department of the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Economy are located. Assaf Zamir And his assistant. Following the outbreak, starting tomorrow, workers will move to capsules for at least a week.

(Photo: Uri Davidovich, Noil Harris)

This morning (Sunday) the workers in the building received an update from the administration according to which: “We are updating that Zamir has collected a positive for Corona. If he is not vaccinated as described above, he should go for a pcr test. Who is not vaccinated at all and is exposed to the patient will go out for seven days of isolation. “

Israeli workers in the building said that “there is a lot of contagion. We are hysterical and afraid to come to the offices.” According to them, the situation at the consulate is a representative sample of what is happening in the whole of New York City, which seems to be about to erupt from the Omicron strain.

Mayor Bill de Bellasio said over the weekend that the omicron was “in full force” in the city, after more than 8,300 positives to Corona were found there in one day.


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