Assault in the attack on the journalist: “This one and her nonsense”

by time news

The Minister of Justice responds to the journalist Ayala Hasson’s claims that he ordered his party members not to be interviewed by her, and attacked her plan: “You can call the program ‘Dirt on Gideon Saar and Mandelblit and at the end of the weather forecast’

Sharp Justice Minister Gideon Saar’s harsh attack on journalist Ayala Hasson from News 13, in response to her claims that he ordered his party members not to be interviewed on her plans.

Saar was interviewed this morning (Wednesday) on 103FM radio, and sharply attacked Hasson, “she is one who persecutes people passionately and presents herself as persecuted. This lady and her chatter are unresponsive. She can keep talking about me, I just do not relate. She can keep chattering.” .

The Minister of Justice also referred to Hasson’s investigation into the division of the village of Kasra-Samia: “An investigation, call it? Excuse me, a Pike News collection. Air ‘”.

“It is possible to argue whether or not the two villages should be split, but not to understand that the Knesset did this in legislation in the not too distant period very many times? It is just a joke.”

Hasson claimed earlier this week that Knesset members of the New Hope party refused to be interviewed by her, because of an instruction they received from party chairman Gideon Saar.

Hasson said in an interview with Gali Israel radio that the Minister of Justice and Deputy Prime Minister Gideon Saar refuses to be interviewed by her only because of an investigation she published: He ordered members of his party not to be interviewed, including Ze’ev Elkin, who was already on his way to me. “

It should be noted that at the beginning of this morning’s interview on 103FM radio, presenter Yinon Magal challenged Gideon Saar and asked him to try not to mention the name of ‘Benjamin Netanyahu’ or ‘Bibi’ throughout the 28-minute interview.

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