Asthma, the ‘Dunfiato’ awareness campaign kicks off from the big concert

by time news

2023-05-02 12:10:05

An initiative designed for young people and launched on the occasion of the largest free live music event in Europe, the concert on May 1st. The San Giovanni stage was chosen by Federasma and Allergie Odv to launch ‘Dunfiato’, the new asthma campaign aimed at younger patients, from 14 to 25 years old. The aim of the initiative promoted by Federasma is to make girls and boys aware of the importance of taking care of their breathing for satisfactory and lasting asthma control, but also to make them feel less alone, thus helping to fight the stigma that accentuates a already critical situation, causing even more anxiety and stress that also derive from being bullied.

It is precisely the fear of a new asthma crisis, but also the desire to find within oneself the strength to react to win the challenge with life, is the theme of the unreleased song “Non passa l’aria” that Luca Sempieri, aka Uzi Lvke, a young Roman rapper who is also asthmatic – reports a note – brought to the Concertone stage to help change the perspective on this pathology, recounting not only his personal experience, but also that of many kids who, like him , find themselves dealing with a recurrent hunger for air (dyspnea).

The project enjoys the unconditional support of Chiesi Italia and the patronage of the Italian Society of Allergy, Asthma and Clinical Immunology – Siaaic, of the Italian Society of Pulmonology – Sip/Irs, of the Italian Society for Childhood Respiratory Diseases – Simri, of the Association Italian territorial and hospital immunological allergists – Aaiito, of the Italian Society of Pediatrics – Sip, of the Italian Society of General Medicine and Primary Care – Simg, of the Italian Society of Pediatric Allergology and Immunology – Siaip. “With the ‘Dunfiato’ campaign we address younger patients directly – explains Alessia Lofaro, vice president of Federasma and Allergie Odv – because we know how important it is to find the right channel of dialogue and information with them”. Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease of the airways characterized by a wide variety of symptoms, such as dyspnoea, cough, wheezing and a sense of chest tightness.

“If the disease is not controlled – remarked Lofaro – the exacerbations can recur over time and can also be very serious, causing considerable discomfort and also causing repeated visits to the emergency room or hospitalizations”. It is “fundamental”, therefore, to be able to “properly sensitize younger patients. Unlike adult patients, young asthmatics are less inclined to follow the prescribed therapies, thus running towards a greater risk of complications”.

For this, “we have chosen a universal language such as music – underlines Lofaro – With the piece by Luca/Uzi Lvke we therefore want to raise awareness not only among young people, but also families and doctors (specialists and Mg doctors) who have them in care who, first, must understand the importance of speaking to children in a different way. Developing a better knowledge of the pathology, in addition to adopting correct lifestyles, leads young patients to greater therapeutic adherence and attention to health education, fundamental aspects to better manage their condition”.

Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease of the airways that affects 300 million people worldwide. In Italy – the note details – there are an estimated over 4.6 million adult asthmatic patients, equal to 7.9% of the population (there were 4.8% in 2010). Of these, about 10% are affected by a severe form. Some reports and observational studies indicate that current asthma management is suboptimal in many patients and that, in Europe, more than 50% of treated patients report having asthma that is not well controlled, despite new treatment options. Even in Italy, adherence to therapy continues to be a highly critical element, with levels below 20%. The reasons? Difficulty using inhalers, stigmatization, fear of side effects, inadequate expectations, prejudice against drugs, underestimation of disease severity. The problem of non-adherence and sub-optimal treatment mainly concerns the age group of young people between 15 and 30 years of age. In a meta-analysis – continues the note – which analyzed a population of asthmatics in this age group, it emerged that the prevalence of adherence is equal to 28%.

“With over 85 years of commitment in the respiratory field, our mission is to improve the quality of life of people suffering from respiratory diseases – says Raffaello Innocenti, CEO and Managing Director of Chiesi Italy – an area in which we are recognized as leaders at world, also thanks to the development of increasingly effective, safe and easy to take therapeutic options.However, we know that, in the case of chronic patients just like those with asthma, adherence to therapy is a fundamental issue, especially for the youngest. This is why we are particularly proud to be alongside Federasma and Allergie Odv on the occasion of the ‘Dunfiato’ campaign which, we hope, can really make a difference thanks also to the power of music”.

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