Astronaut Captures Stunning Images of Giant Icebergs From Space, Expresses Concerns on Climate Change

by time news

ESA Astronaut Shares Stunning Images of Giant Icebergs from Space

Andreas Mogensen, the current commander of the International Space Station’s Expedition 70, recently took to Instagram to share breathtaking images of giant icebergs floating in the South Atlantic. The European Space Agency (ESA) astronaut expressed his surprise at being able to see the icebergs with his naked eye from space, admitting that he would not have believed it possible before this mission.

“We have been seeing lots of icebergs lately in the south Atlantic. Perhaps it’s their distinct geometry or perhaps the contrast in color, but they are very visible from space,” Mogensen wrote in his Instagram post. The images he shared capture three distinctly larger icebergs and several other fragments, showcasing the submerged parts of the icebergs and the ocean waves breaking around the visible part of the bergs floating on the ocean surface.

In addition to marveling at the stunning visual spectacle from space, Mogensen also used the opportunity to express his concerns about climate change and rising sea levels. “Seeing the icebergs float around reminds me of climate change, with glaciers melting at a rapid pace and rising sea levels. Places like the Maldives will most likely not exist in 70 years from now, having been submerged by the rising ocean,” he wrote.

Since sharing the images, Mogensen’s post has received over 3,400 likes and garnered numerous comments from social media users. One user expressed surprise at seeing icebergs from space and highlighted the global environmental issue, while others marveled at the incredible photos and sought information about the estimated size of the icebergs.

The timing of Mogensen’s images coincides with recent reports about the world’s largest iceberg, A23a, drifting beyond Antarctic waters for the first time in over three decades. The images serve as a powerful reminder of the impact of climate change and the rapid melting of glaciers.

As concerns about the environment continue to grow, the perspective from space offers a unique and impactful way to witness the effects of climate change on our planet. And as astronauts like Andreas Mogensen continue to document and share these perspectives, it reinforces the urgency of addressing climate change for the future of our planet.

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