(ANSA) – ROME, 01 SEPTEMBER – The first international astrophysics conference in the Marche region will be held in Sirolo from 2 to 6 September. About one hundred internationally renowned scientists will gather at the Cortesi theatre in Sirolo to participate in the conference entitled “Astrophysics in Marche I: Active Galactic Nuclei feedback and star formation across cosmic scales and time”. The speakers will present recent results obtained with cutting-edge telescopes, as well as simulations or theoretical models, regarding issues related to star formation in galaxies and their interaction with black holes within them. The conference aims to be an event to bring together astronomers and astrophysicists from all over the world, intent on discussing fundamental issues related to the formation and evolution of galaxies.
“This is the first time that the Marche region has hosted an international congress of astrophysics and astronomy. This is intended to be the first of a series of events in the Marche region on the theme of space science”, says Gianluca Castignani, president of the organizing committee of the congress.
The conference is sponsored by the municipality of Sirolo and the University of Camerino, co-financed by the National Institute for Astrophysics and the ERC starting grant “Red Cardinal” (principal investigator: Sirio Belli). Among the organizers, the conference includes several astrophysicists, many of whom are from the Marche region, who work at various Italian institutes, including the National Institute for Astrophysics (INAF), branches in Bologna, Milan, Rome, and Trieste; the University of Camerino; the University of Bologna; the University of Trieste; the University of Rome Tor Vergata. More precisely, the organizing committee includes, in alphabetical order, Sirio Belli, Stefano Borgani, Youri Carloni, Gianluca Castignani, Roberto Della Ceca, Carlotta Gruppioni, Orlando Luongo, Tommaso Mengoni, Laura Pentericci, Paola Santini, Paolo Saracco, Letizia Scaloni, Emanuele Spitoni, Francesco Tombesi.
The topic of astrophysical sciences and space has long been central to the Marche region. We recall in particular that the University of Camerino, among the oldest in the Western world and co-sponsor of the event, is a founding member of the Marche Aerospace Cluster, as well as home to the first Inaf section in the region. Through the Sirolo congress, we intend not only to offer a specialized offer on the topic of astrophysical sciences, but also to guarantee a series of evening events of dissemination, free and open to the public, with the intent of strengthening cultural synergies with the territory.
Sponsored by the municipality of Sirolo, these events are: an observation evening (Tuesday 3 September, at Largo Cardarelli), the theatrical show “Galileo Inquieto” (Thursday 5 September, at the Cortesi theatre, link to the show: and an informative conference on the theme “The wonders of the Universe with the James Webb space telescope” (Friday 6 September, at Piazzetta Arrigo Gugliormella). (ANSA).
2024-09-02 01:47:38