Asturias is the community with the highest drop in unemployment at the start of the high tourist season

by time news

2023-07-05 04:15:00

The good expectations about the tourist campaign have given a good bite to the unemployment list. Asturias ended June with 55,817 unemployed people, which is 2,672 less than in the previous month and 4,353 less than a year ago. It is the region where the greatest month-on-month drop in unemployment has been registered at the beginning of the summer, of 4.57%, much higher than the national average of 1.84%.

Unlike other regions in which the tourist campaign is brought forward to the summer, in Asturias –and in the rest of the autonomous communities of north-western Spain– the month of June usually represents the biggest drop in unemployment. This year that step is more pronounced, greater than last year (4.57% cut compared to 3.61% in June 2022) despite the fact that on that occasion there were also great tourist expectations due to the disappearance of travel restrictions. the pandemic.

Unemployment fell last month in Asturias in all sectors, in all age groups and especially among women, with a decrease of 4.91% (1,688 fewer unemployed than in May). The services sector, with activities linked to tourism and socio-sanitary services acting as locomotives, led the month-on-month drop in unemployment with 2,313 fewer job seekers, representing a 5.36% cut. In industry there were 200 fewer unemployed (4.95% cut), in construction 104 (2.42%), in agriculture and fishing 18 (1.70%) and in the group of previously unemployed 37 ( 0.62%).

Most of the councils registered decreases in unemployment, with double-digit rates in many coastal municipalities with a strong tourist pull, such as Ribadesella (14.78%), Tapia de Casariego (12.75%), Llanes (10 57%) or Cudillero (10.04%).

The hiring. During the past month, 24,180 labor contracts were made in Asturias, 3,572 more than in the previous month, but 3,970 less than in June 2022. 84.5% of the contracts were made in the service sector. Permanent employees represented 31.3% of the total, while in the country as a whole this percentage exceeded 42.3%. Of the 7,570 permanent contracts signed in Asturias, most were discontinuous permanent (2,386) and part-time (1,884).

The affiliation. Regarding employment, the average number of affiliates to Social Security in Asturias was estimated at 380,198 people in June, 2,206 more than the previous month (0.58%) and 5,334 more than in the same month a year ago (1, 42%). It is the highest number of affiliations in a month of June since 2010. Almost 81% of the increase in employment corresponds to health and social services activities (1,002 affiliations) and to the hospitality industry (782 affiliations).

The ratings. The manager of the Employment Service of the Principality of Asturias (Sepepa), Pilar Varela, highlighted that the labor market data for June “are positive” and stressed that the communities in the northwest of Spain, “with Asturias at the fore”, have registered the largest falls in job applicants. From Sepepa it was pointed out that these data are largely explained by “the good start of the summer tourist campaign, which has triggered the recruitment figures and, therefore, Social Security affiliates”. From the business sector an optimistic reading was also made. “The data for June once again confirm a favorable evolution for the labor market in Asturias, in which it is the fifth consecutive month of cuts in unemployment figures. The advance in affiliation is also valued positively, although Asturias needs a intensification of economic activity to reach the levels that the whole of Spain is experiencing,” said Ignacio García, director of Corporate Support at FADE. “We are facing seasonal data, although very positive,” said the head of employment at CC OO Asturias, Severino Menéndez. The union policy secretary of UGT Asturias, Mar Celemín, highlighted the weight of permanent contracts in the month of June, a period in which traditionally the vast majority of contracts were temporary, which in her opinion reflects “indisputably” the success of the labor reform.

national data. In the country as a whole, the number of unemployed fell by 50,268 in June compared to the previous month, to 2,688,842, thus falling below 2.7 million for the first time since 2008. Regarding employment, in June there were 54,541 affiliates, the smallest advance for this month since 2015, leaving the total employed at a new maximum of 20,869,940.

Summer jobs, the first job dip for many young people in the region

Summer jobs, which this year have skyrocketed with the optimistic forecasts of the tourist campaign, are the first job contact for many young Asturians. Blanca Menéndez, born in Oviedo in 2002 and a third-year law student at the University of Oviedo, began working as a waitress this month in a restaurant in Ribadesella. She will be in this place until the month of September, in which she will begin the last course of her career. The young woman, who had already worked on two other occasions in the hospitality sector during the summer, found the job offer on a web portal. Blanca Menéndez was interested in the restaurant’s job offer because she did not require extensive experience and because of the part-time condition, which allows her to combine work with summer leisure. In addition, she affirms that she decided to venture to look for a job to “be able to face personal expenses and save money for the future.” Álvaro Cercadillo Pérez, a 22-year-old from Oviedo and recently graduated in Teaching, will repeat this summer for the second time as a monitor at the Real Oviedo soccer campus, which between June and August welcomes boys and girls from 4 to 16 years old in various Asturian towns . Cercadillo, who is assigned to the Navia and Oviedo headquarters, will work for three weeks starting next Monday, an experience with which he is “excited”, because despite its brevity he is convinced that it will also be “comforting and gratifying for personal and professional level. In addition, all this will allow you to “gain experience”.

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