Asturias is the region where the prices of the industry fall the most

by time news

2023-08-26 04:10:00

Asturias was the autonomous community where industry prices fell the most in July compared to the same month in 2022, with a collapse of 19.5%, according to data from the National Institute of Statistics (INE). The drop was more than double the 8.4% registered in Spain as a whole.

The general decrease in industrial inflation in the country –of four tenths compared to June– It was due, according to the INE, to the lower cost of electricity and the lower rise in gas production prices compared to that registered a year earlier. With this drop, the prices of the Spanish manufacturing sector have a chain of five months of negative year-on-year rates after a period of 26 consecutive months of increases ended in March.

In the specific case of Asturias, the decline was mainly due to the depreciation of the supply of electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning, which fell by 37.1% compared to the same month of 2022. In the case of the extractive industry , the cheapening was 6.6%; and manufacturing, 6.4%. For its part, the supply of water, sanitation, waste management and decontamination activities became much cheaper, 2.7%.

Regarding the types of goods produced in the region, once again the greatest drop took place in energy (-36.2%), followed by intermediate goods (-12.2%), consumer goods (-10%) and those of the team (-0.2%).

At the national level, the drop in energy production in the last year was 26.2%, due to the lower increase in gas production prices and the drop in the cost of production, transportation and distribution of electrical energy. In contrast, refined oil prices increased in July of this year compared to the setback they experienced in the same month of 2022.

By activity, the largest price declines compared to July 2022 occurred in coke ovens and petroleum refining (-33%); the supply of electricity and gas (-24%), the chemical industry (-15.8%), metallurgy (-12.5%) and the paper industry (-4.7%).

Conversely, the greatest year-on-year increases were registered in the manufacture of beverages (11.1%); the manufacture of non-metallic mineral products (9.5%), and the food industry (9.3%), which, with a recovery of less than 10%, ended 18 consecutive months of double-digit increases in July .

#Asturias #region #prices #industry #fall

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