“Asylum must no longer be the instrument of a continuous importation of docile workers”

by time news

2023-11-28 07:00:31

The bill to control immigration and improve integration maintains two very convenient illusions. The first is that the migratory flow is inevitable, uncontrollable by definition. The second is that the foreigners who arrive are the only ones guilty of the evils that are tearing French society apart.

The request for asylum, the number of which has tripled in France over the last ten years, is not inevitable, but the result of a choice. Over the years, the right to asylum has made it possible, in France as throughout Europe, to practice an ambiguous migration policy, mixing the humanitarian obligation to welcome refugees with the need to compensate for a demographic deficit common to all. the countries of the Old Continent as well as their recruitment needs. Asylum policy has become the antechamber of so-called immigration “illegal”. The first cause of the illegality of this immigration is that Europe applies the right to asylum while maintaining, among the measures reserved for asylum seekers, the visa exemption stipulated by the Geneva Convention.

Following the Second World War, this exceptional measure concerned survivors of the Shoah, stateless people, dissidents from Eastern countries whom the free world hastened to welcome, thus demonstrating in the face of its enemy ideological its moral and political superiority. We do not emphasize enough that asylum is not only a humanitarian duty, but also a right that free nations take it upon themselves to welcome the persecuted from the other world. A powerful ideological instrument, it establishes an opposition between “them and us”. An astonishing binary today, even though the unlivable states that a large majority of asylum seekers flee are our allies, our clients, and even our partners in the fight against illegal immigration.

Recognized by international texts, the right to asylum is also enshrined in the French Constitution: “Any man persecuted because of his action in favor of freedom has the right to asylum in the territories of the Republic. » A high expression of civilization in this mention of the right of “every man” in the preamble of a text which should, by nature, only concern the French. However, since 1974, the year of the closure to labor immigration, the asylum request has become one of the rare routes of entry into France.

Cruel comedy

It is time to stop this charade which reduces asylum to being only the instrument of a continuous importation of docile and cheap workers. This cruel comedy has institutionalized illegal immigration, attracted hundreds of thousands of unfortunate people to our shores, and caused thousands more to perish. Visa waivers no longer make much sense these days, as asylum seekers pass through different countries before arriving in Europe and there are digital solutions to apply for asylum without being tracked by the government that we want to escape.

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