At 10 years old he drives 320 kilometers. He wanted to punish mom

by time news

2023-09-23 18:18:05 – Florida police got a shock when the motorist stopped on a major highway turned out to be a 10 year old boy. The child is his 11 year old sister they were stopped in Alachua, hundreds of kilometers from the place where their mother had reported them missing at the beginning of the week, the BBC reports. Police said the two explained they were who fled after their mother ‘seized’ their electronic gadgets.

“To their surprise, officers observed a 10-year-old male driver leaving with his sister,” officers explained. The Alachua County Sheriff’s Office described the traffic stop as “high risk” and late at night, at 03:50 local time (07:50 GMT) on Thursday. The white sedan the couple was traveling in had been reported missing by their mother a North Port, in Florida, a city more than 320 kilometers from Alachua. Officers learned that “bothThe children were angry with their mother because he had taken away their electronic devices, which is believed to have been done because they were not using them appropriately,” the sheriff’s office said.

Police added there is no reason to believe they were abused at the home. The children’s mother drove three hours north to Alachua to pick up her children. “Our detectives spoke at length with the mother, who was clearly doing the best she could while raising two young children and was very receptive to recommendations made to help her get assistance,” police said. The legal age to obtain a driving permit in Florida is 15, while drivers must be 18 to apply for a full license.

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