at dawn he was chatting with his girlfriend

by time news

He got out of bed, as soon as he woke up still in his pajamas he went to the bathroom and at 6:30 he sent the last reply on Whatsapp to a message he had received from the girl he had been dating for a few months. Then total silence. According to the coroner, the lawyer Federico Rende, 45 years old, originally from Cosenza, in Calabria, but transplanted for years in the capital, died – probably from an illness – immediately after that sending, about 12 hours before his discovery.

Rome, lawyer found dead at home: he was 45 years old. The body in the bathroom, he had been there for 12 hours. Hypothesis of illness


For hours, in fact, the girlfriend tried to contact him again, then to call him repeatedly throughout the day until, on the evening of Friday itself, she decided to ask for the intervention of the police by calling 112. When the carabinieri arrived on site, in the apartment-studio of the professional, they found Rende lifeless, his body folded on itself. To enter the house on via Taranto, in the San Giovanni neighborhood, the soldiers of the Piazza Dante station and the radiomobile unit had to wait for the intervention of the firefighters who proceeded to force the entrance door, regularly locked from the inside with the bolts.

Inside, apart from a normal disorder, nothing would lead the investigators to believe that they were dealing with a violent death. The coroner did not find, at a first examination, any relevant external signs, and the carabinieri did not find any drugs or psychotropic drugs in the house.

The findings

However, the prosecutor Francesco Musolino has ordered an autopsy to ascertain the real cause of death, therefore the possible use of substances, a heart attack or the consequences of a congenital disease. The assignment of the task will take place tomorrow in Piazzale Clodio. The girlfriend and mother of the young lawyer are desperate, according to whom «Federico did not use substances, his is an inexplicable death», as they reported when interviewed by those investigating.

The investigators are leaving nothing to chance. The autopsy tests ordered by the Prosecutor’s Office will tell how the forty-five-year-old died. In the meantime, the body was transported to the Verano Institute of Forensic Medicine. Further checks are underway by the Carabinieri to verify the lawyer’s actual health conditions. Rende’s attending physician will also be heard in the next few hours.

The reactions

The news of the Calabrian lawyer’s death was also relaunched throughout the day yesterday by local Cosenza websites. Although the forty-five-year-old had been missing from his hometown for some time, his family was still known. There was no shortage of comments on social media containing the insinuations of the anti-Vax, inevitable whenever there are deaths due to cardiac arrests, suggestions to which many others responded, however, that “sudden illnesses, even among the youngest, have always happened”.

The professional, after studying in Rome, would over time specialize in tax, fiscal and civil matters. On the desk of his office were piled up some folders referring above all to ongoing disputes in the area of ​​condominium administrations. Disputes in which Rende was called with his activity to bring peace or to which to find legal settlements.


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