At least 11 dead after an explosion in a mine in Colombia

by time news


Another 10 miners remain trapped at a depth of 900 meters

A burned ambulance in Caucasia (Colombia), where miners and the Government are in dispute.EFE

At least eleven people died and ten more are trapped after an explosion inside a coal mine tunnel in the center of Colombiareported this Wednesday the governor of the department of Cundinamarca.

The incident in the municipality of Sutatausa was due to the “accumulation” of gases” that exploded by “a spark generated by a pickaxe” from a worker, Governor Nicols García told Blu Radio.

“There are 11 people found dead and we are still in the search and rescue of the ten that remain,” he added.

The explosion occurred Tuesday night at six legal mines “that communicate with each other.”

The trapped miners are 900 meters deep, which makes it difficult for the more than 100 rescuers who are working with picks to search, according to García.

Every minute that passes is less oxygen time” and it is “quite difficult” to find them alive, lamented the governor.

Images shared in local media show firefighters and workers from the disaster response authority operating at the entrances to the mines. All around, a handful of people have been waiting since dawn for information about their relatives.

Mining tragedies are frequent in Colombia, especially in illegal tunnels in Cundinamarca and other departments in the center of the country. The accumulation of gases is the most common reason for accidents.

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