At least 11 people are killed in fighting in a Palestinian camp in Lebanon

by time news

2023-08-01 16:56:50

The historical palestinian refugee camp in it Lebanon of Ain el Helue It is being the scene of the worst confrontations in years. Over the past four days, shootings and attacks between factions of Fatah and Islamist groups close to Hamas e hezbollah have caused the death of at least 11 personas and a forty have been injured, as announced by the United Nations Agency for Palestinian Refugees (UNRWA, according to its acronym in English). Although on Monday night the two sides agreed to a Stop the fireshots and sporadic shelling could still be heard throughout the day on Tuesday.

At least 2.000 personasabout 400 families, have abandoned the countryside in the city of sidon, south of Lebanon, with the post. In addition, the intense shootings have prevented ambulances from entering to attend to the victims. Waiting for the fighting to subside and the camp gates to reopen, many of the doubly displaced Palestinians are taking refuge inside the schools nearby UNRWA in Sidon, where they are receiving food and medical supplies from the volunteer team. The intensity of the fighting has led UNRWA to announce the suspension of all your services inside Ain el Helue. This Tuesday, a stray bullet has injured a pregnant woman near the field.

More of 54.000 personas they live in Ain el Helue, which is the Palestinian refugee camp larger from Lebanon. The arrival of thousands of Palestinian residents in Syria has expanded its population since the start of the civil war in the neighboring country. this camp densely populated is often the scene of shootings and confrontations, either due to personal disputes or tensions between various Palestinian factions. In this case, it was the shooting of General Abu Ashraf al-Armoushi by Islamist groups on Sunday, which has led to an escalation of violence. On Saturday, an unknown gunman tried to kill Palestinian militant Mahmoud Khalil, but instead fatally shot his partner.

No Lebanese Army access

Full-blown clashes erupted on Sunday, when Islamic militants shot and killed Armoushi and three escorts as they walked through a parking lot. Neither the Lebanese Army nor the police force of the country have authority, nor the courage enough to intervene in the events that take place inside the Palestinian refugee camps. Since the creation of the State of Israel and the forced displacement of thousands of Palestinians in 1948, Palestinian camps have been small palestinian islands in the middle of lebanese territory ruled by their own factions, without the Lebanese State being able to act. Palestinians in Lebanon have restricted your rights to work and property, and the vast majority of them live in poverty.

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In Ain el Helue, the Lebanese Army maintains a checkpoint abroad and, in general, it does not enter it. Some Lebanese officials have called for the army to take control of the camps after the clashes. In turn, the lebanese citizenship of the Sidon region is being affected by violence. This coastal city in Lebanon has been in high alert. Its residents try to go outside as little as possible, since the Lost bullets they threaten both those within and without Ain el Helue. He hospital Sidon, near the camp, has begun to evacuate its patients and staff to avoid taking further risks. The attacks have destroyed at least 40 apartments and some businesses inside Ain el Helue.

For his part, the Lebanese interim prime minister, Najib Mikati, has stated that it is surprising that these confrontations occur now, considering them the result of regional and international factors. “These confrontations are part of repeated attempts to exploit the Lebanese arena to settle foreign accounts at the expense of Lebanon and its citizens,” Mikati said, noting that these coincide with Egypt’s efforts to mediate between factions Palestinians. “Such a situation is completely unacceptable and demands a decisive stance on the part of the Palestinian leadership to respect the sovereignty and laws of Lebanon,” he added, calling on the Palestinian authorities to cooperate with the Lebanese military to maintain the country’s security.

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