at least 40 dead, mostly students –

by time news

The balance sheet is not yet final and is already terrible. At least 40 people were killed and another 52 were injured in an explosion that took place this afternoon at 16:30 in front of a school in Kabul, the Sayed ul Shuhada school. The school is a common high school for girls and boys, who study in three shifts, the second of which for female students. Therefore, among the victims there are many students aged between 11 and 15 and the attack was aimed at them.

To cause the explosion – second Tolo News, main Afghan network – a car bomb that detonated as the girls were leaving school. Then two more explosions that could have been caused by rockets.

A student transported to the hospital (Ap)

An angry mob attacked ambulances that rushed to the scene and even beat health workers, according to Health Ministry spokesman Ghulam Dastigar Nazari who pleaded with residents to cooperate and allow ambulances free access. Images circulating on social media show columns of black smoke rising over the neighborhood. In a nearby hospital, journalists fromAssociated Press they saw at least 20 corpses lined up in the corridors and rooms, with dozens of wounded. Outside the Muhammad Ali Jinnah Hospital, dozens of people lined up to donate blood as family members checked the lists of victims posted on the walls. Patients also arrived at the Emergency hospital: At the moment we have already received 26 injured, almost all girls between 12 and 20 years old, while one person was already dead on arrival, said Marco Puntin, program coordinator of the Italian NGO.

The Taliban – engaged in various fights with the Afghan army in recent days in view of the definitive withdrawal of US troops – have condemned the attack apparently aimed at civilians and denied any responsibility. Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid told reporters in a message that only the Islamic State group can be responsible for such a heinous crime. ISIS has already claimed attacks on Shiite minorities, in particular the Hazara one, in the same area, last year with two brutal attacks on schools and educational facilities. President Ashraf Ghani has instead pointed the finger at the Taliban who, by increasing violence again, show that they have no interest in a peaceful solution to the current crisis and are trying to complicate the situation.

ISIS is certainly in decline in Afghanistan but has intensified its attacks particularly against Shiite Muslims and against women. He recently claimed responsibility for the killing of three reporters in eastern Afghanistan. The attack comes just days after the remaining 2,500 to 3,500 US troops officially began to leave the country, whose final withdrawal is expected by 11 September. The withdrawal comes among the recovering Taliban, who control or dominate over half of Afghanistan. All while the withdrawal of foreign troops only makes the picture more uncertain.

The horrendous attack in the Dasht-i Barchi area of ​​Kabul, a despicable act of terrorism was the comment of the delegate of the European Union mission in Afghanistan via Twitter. And again: Targeting mainly the students of a girls’ school makes it an attack on the future of Afghanistan. In fact, the right to education of girls and young women has always been questioned. And under the Taliban regime, many women to study, read and teach cost their lives. With the result that today Afghanistan remains one of the countries with the lowest female literacy rate in the world, with 66% of girls between 12 and 15 years not studying and a female illiteracy rate which is still between 84 and 87%.

May 8, 2021 (change May 8, 2021 | 19:53)


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