At least thirteen dead and more than 300 injured by an earthquake in Ecuador

by time news


At least thirteen people have died and more than 300 have been injured as a result of the 6.7 magnitude earthquake on the Richter scale that shook the Ecuadorian Pacific coast this Saturday, near the border with Peru.

The Risk Management Secretariat of the Ecuadorian Government has so far confirmed eleven deaths in the province of El Oro and two in the province of Azuay. The Ministry of Public Health has reported that so far 381 people have been treated in health centers, with the largest number of injured being in the canton of El Pasaje, in El Oro.

The Secretariat has also reported that 50 homes have been damaged, another seven have been destroyed and there are 31 health centers and 17 educational centers affected, as well as a bridge and various public and private buildings.

On Puná Island, off the coast of Guayaquil, the Ecuadorian Electricity Corporation has reported a power outage, due to the fact that a house that has been damaged is at risk of collapsing on the main lines of the island’s thermal power plant. In order to be able to work in the area and avoid further damage, the Fire Department and the Electricity Corporation have requested the power cut at the plant for the two hours that its operations last.

Some highways, including the one that connects Cuenca and Molleturo, have been rendered useless by landslides as a result of the earthquake, and the Government has reported that the work to clear them will take more than twelve hours.

For his part, the president of the country, Guillermo Lasso, has sent a message of support and solidarity to the families of the deceased, and has informed that he will move to the province of El Oro first, and then to Azuay, to the be the two states that present the greatest number of damages.

The earthquake was felt in thirteen provinces throughout the country, although the damage is centered in Guayas, Azuay, El Oro and Chimborazo, mainly in cities such as Cuenca, Machala and Guayaquil. The authorities have ruled out that a tsunami could occur because the necessary conditions were not met.

The United States Geological Survey (USGS) has located the epicenter of the earthquake 6 kilometers north-northeast of the town of Baláo and 66.4 kilometers deep. In addition, the Geophysical Institute of Ecuador has confirmed that so far there have been seven aftershocks after the earthquake.


The National Emergency Operations Center of Peru (COEN) has confirmed that a four-year-old girl has died in the earthquake, which has also affected part of the country.

The girl was transferred to the Tumbes Regional Hospital after being injured by part of the roof of her home falling, but she finally died this Friday.

They have also reported that at the moment there are at least 29 people injured and another 73 affected by the earthquake. Four houses have been destroyed, another five are still standing but in an uninhabitable condition, and 72 have suffered damage. In addition, two health centers have been damaged.

In Peru, the districts that have presented damage have been Tumbes, San Jacinto, San Juan de La Virgen, La Cruz, Zorritos, Zarumilla, Papayal, Matapalo and Aguas Verdes.

The Defense Minister, Jorge Chávez; that of Housing, Construction and Sanitation, Hania Pérez de Cuéllar; the Minister of Health, Rosa Bertha Gutiérrez Palomino and the President of the Council of Ministers, Alberto Otárola.

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