At Les Républicains, the hypothesis of an agreement with the government divides

by time news

To embark or not with the majority? This is the question of the moment for the Les Républicains (LR) party. Even with a first class ticket, Olivier Marleix has no desire to “climb on the Titanic ». Unlike the president of the LR group in the National Assembly, others are ready to board, in the name of the best interests of the country, even if it means taking the risk of having to dispute the life rafts with the macronists in case of shipwreck. Question of consistency in the eyes of these elected officials, who plead for a policy of reaching out to the presidential camp since the legislative elections in June 2022.

Jean-François Copé even says he has “theorized this subject the day after the presidential election”. While in October, Nicolas Sarkozy pleaded for “a political agreement” with the head of state, the mayor of Meaux (Seine-et-Marne) observes the idea gently gaining ground in his party. Starting with its president: Eric Ciotti. “He is very pragmatic and has had this option in mind for a while”assures the former boss of the party, UMP era (2012-2014).

In recent days, the interlocutors of the deputy of the Alpes-Maritimes describe him as less inflexible on the question of a government agreement, especially if the president LR of the Senate, Gérard Larcher, takes the place of the prime minister, Elisabeth Borne. Revealed by The world on April 3, the Larcher hypothesis questions on the right. In private, Mr. Ciotti judges that this scenario would change the political situation while Bruno Retailleau (boss of LR senators) gives credit to this idea.

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In the group of 61 deputies, the Larcher hypothesis at Matignon questions. Few believe it. Why become the number 2 of the President of the Republic when you are already number two in the State as President of the Senate? “I am only a candidate for the senatorial elections in September”, moreover repeats M. Larcher. Besides his name as a potential successor to Mme Terminal at Matignon, those of several ministers from LR also circulate: Bruno Le Maire (economy), Gérald Darmanin (interior) or Sébastien Lecornu (armies).

  Gérard Larcher, during the vote on the pension reform, in the Senate, in Paris, on March 11, 2023.

At the initiative of the deputy of Hauts-de-Seine, Philippe Juvin, several right-wing elected officials are also considering presenting a forum in the press, in order to plead for the appointment of an LR prime minister. This text should be published soon, according to The Sunday newspaper.

“No sign that comes from Macron”

For his part, Aurélien Pradié, ex-number two, who has become Mr. Ciotti’s main opponent internally, does not want to hear about a possible rapprochement with the majority. “A few months ago, Eric Ciotti was talking about Renaud Muselier [le président de la région Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur passé chez Renaissance en 2022] like Macron’s little telegraph operator and, today, he is ready to reach an agreement with him”, blows the deputy of Lot, still on a line of frontal opposition with the tenant of the Elysée.

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