At LR, the specter of the “sugar tile in coffee”

by time news

Cwas just a few weeks ago. In front of the headquarters of his party, the president of the Republicans (LR), Christian Jacob, defended the line as follows: “total independence” in relation to power. “LR is not fungible in macronism”, repeated the Chiraquian, refusing with the greatest firmness to follow Nicolas Sarkozy (and a few others), favorable to a “government pact”.

In the legislative elections, the ballot boxes seemed to validate this strategy: Guillaume Larrivé, one of the first to come out in favor of an agreement with Emmanuel Macron, was beaten in Yonne in the first round, while Aurélien Pradié, who fought for five years against “traitors” parties in macronie, was largely re-elected in the Lot. In the Doubs, Annie Genevard obtained a score of marshal (72%) against a “walker”, a sign among the voters, she had interpreted, of a deep rejection of macronism and its results.

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The election, in the process, of a fierce opponent of the Head of State, Olivier Marleix, at the head of the LR deputies, completed the equation of a weakened party, convinced that its survival depended on an intractable opposition.

The dreaded erasure

Since the start of the legislature, the LR deputies have nevertheless appeared as solid support for the executive, now forced to find allies and compromises. “Responsible” they thus voted, Friday, July 22, for the bill on purchasing power, offering a first victory to Elisabeth Borne. Just as they approved several measures of the amending finance bill (PLFR). All against a backdrop of cordial agreement between the Minister of the Economy Bruno Le Maire and the speaker for the emergency bill for the protection of purchasing power, Thibault Bazin (LR), or even between the first minister and the boss of deputies LR. The latter, which boasts of an opposition ” useful “is pleased to have obtained progress from the government, from the deconjugalization of the disabled adult allowance to the monetization of the RTT, campaign promise of Valérie Pécresse. “Before, people didn’t see what we were for, he pleads, today we are more audible. »

But this form of “legislative co-construction” – a concept dear to Jean-François Copé – raises many questions within LR, where we fear erasure by becoming simple auxiliaries to power. Laurent Wauquiez, who is already thinking of 2027, is not very excited about this festival of good practices. Others, like Eric Ciotti, fear that the executive reserves the sole political benefit of the provisions voted with the support of LR, or even appropriates its ideas outright. “The risk is that we dissolve like a sugar tile in coffee”summarizes the deputy Eric Pauget.

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