At Sacred Nights the new Tamborrino: “My prayer for peace”

by time news

twelve o’clock, September 29, 2021 – 3:09 pm

On 1 October in Bari the first performance of the cantata “Shalom Pax Salam”, written by the composer of Laterza on a libretto by Enzo Quarto

from Francesco Mazzotta

Giovanni Tamborrino, one of the most original characters in the panorama of contemporary music, has traveled various artistic paths in an attempt to recover the sense of the sacredness of life. And along this path a new composition is inserted, «Shalom Pax Salam», a reflection in music on monotheistic religions with verses by Enzo Quarto, who wanted to reaffirm the inseparable combination between God and Peace. On Friday 1 October (7 pm), in the church of Gesù in Bari, the work will be presented as an absolute premiere for the review “Sacred nights” which opened yesterday evening. “For some time we have wanted to carry out a project that spoke of peace and brotherhood, so we started from the word peace in Jewish, Christian and Muslim culture to put into music what we know to be a utopia, even if sometimes utopias do come true”, he says. the musician from Laterza, awarded in 2013 with the Abbiati (the Oscar of classical music in Italy) for his “long and systematic research”, which began as an out-of-the-box percussionist alongside sacred monsters of the cultured avant-garde such as Luciano Berio, Franco Donatoni and Sylvano Bussotti, the Florentine composer who died a week ago. “I was looking for a sound setting that had the strength to take us far in time and allow us to relive the ancient and magical breath of humanity”, says Tamborrino, who on the instrumental front has kept his specialties together: percussion and “ready made sonori », commonly used objects used in an expressive key.

“A painting by Miro”

“I wrote a music that looks like a painting by Mirò”, assures the musician, referring to the colors of a palette in which the human voice of Chiara Ritelli, a young singer from Mottola, fresh from graduating from the Bari Conservatory, is inserted, but with excellent acting skills. “I finally found the person I had been looking for for some time,” reveals Tamborrino, referring to the lesson on phone by Carmelo Bene who inspired much of his production in the field of musical theater and in the definition of the very personal language of Opera without singing. The instrumental ensemble is composed of Federico Apollaro and Angelo Maggi on vibraphones, by Francesco Cetera and Andrea Tamborrino (the youngest of Giovanni’s two sons) on marimbas and by Beatrice Birardi, who plays traditional percussion but also a set of handcrafted artifacts , bins, pots and other devilry. And then there are the live electronics of Dante Tamborrino (Giovanni’s other son) and Giuseppe Salatino, who also participates in the project as musical director. «To them – explains Tamborrino senior – I entrusted the digital treatment of the choir. I had to sample it, because the formations I tried to involve found the part unplayable. True, my writing is complex, but not everyone is willing to go beyond their means. So, I turned this refusal into an opportunity to experience more deeply the relationship between man and machine ».

The utopia of the word

The score is very modern and deals with an ancient theme investigated through the role of music within religious traditions. “We are talking about a very close bond, because sound has a direct relationship with the divine creation itself, the result of a sound vibration, the creative vibration of the word, the common basis that allows us to overcome any boundary and favor the encounter, beyond differences “. And then, as Enzo Quarto says, there are expressions in which the deepest faith is inscribed, “words capable of bringing men and peoples back to the God of Peace”. Words for a common path of humanity. A utopia, as Tamborrino says? Who knows, maybe one of those that happen every now and then.

29 September 2021 | 15:09

© Time.News

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