At Sciences Po Lille, the names of eleven anti-blocking students registered on a “wall of shame”

by time news

Isolated act or militant action? The mobilization against the pension reform turned into a settling of accounts at Sciences Po Lille, where the first names of eleven students were tagged on a palisade renamed “wall of shame”, in front of the school, on Sunday night April 2 to Monday April 3.

Among the eleven students, nine had been candidates on a list entitled “Engage”, during the last student elections. “They have in common to have issued, in the recent period, public criticism, or on mailing lists, on the way in which the social movement was conducted in our school, especially against the use of blocking”details Pierre Mathiot, director of the establishment, in an email sent to students on April 4.

Since the beginning of the mobilization, the school has regularly been the subject of blocking attempts by a minority fraction of students, according to Mr. Mathiot, the majority wishing to resort to other modes of action to express his opposition to the pension reform. “Our school cannot, must not, become a world without debate, without pluralism, without respect between people, light years away from what an Institute of Political Studies should be [IEP] ! »writes the director, a teacher of political science, in his message to the students.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Pension reform: in the processions, the youth amplifies their mobilization

The police were to go to the scene on Wednesday April 5. “The students are in the process of filing a complaint, for public insult, and the establishment will do the same jointlyindicates to Monde Pierre Mathiot. We will probably not find the authors unfortunately, because our camera did not carry on the other side of the street. This filing of a complaint will remain symbolic. »

“Thought Police”

If the police investigation is successful, however, the director will initiate disciplinary proceedings against the authors of these tags. “These facts are in addition to multiple daily microaggressions”, continues Mr. Mathiot. He describes “unbearable and reprehensible practices”aimed at imposing “a thought police, a unique vision of the good, of what is possible to say and forbidden to express”. Those who deviate from it are “accused, without any nuance, of being fascists or identitarians and condemned in the name of a kind of unsurpassable morality”denounces the director.

The political science professor appeals to “collective awakening” in front of “a sectarianism [qui] beyond comprehension”. He emphasizes that a social movement, when it is long-term, “logically leads to disagreements, feeds tensions” and “it is part of the normality of democratic life”. “On the other hand, we cross an unacceptable course when threats follow exchanges”, says the director.

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