«At the beginning of my career I was treated as a sex object»- time.news

by time news
from Simona Marchetti

Interviewed by the «Washington Post» on the occasion of the Kennedy Center Honors, the 61-year-old actor and director confessed that he too had a #metoo moment and that the turning point came in 2005, with the film «Good Night, and Good Luck»

In Hollywood, being considered a sex object is not a female prerogative. George Clooney knows something about it and at the beginning of his career, when he was still playing the sex symbol in TV series such as «Sisters» and “The Apple Tree”, he too had his #metoo moment. «Honestly, I was objectified – the 61-year-old actor told the “Washington Post” -. I remember that during the filming of “Roseanne” (“Pappa e Ciccia”), if I reached down to pick up a pad of notes, they would slap me on the butt. You have to be considered for something more… In this perspective, “Good Night, and Good Luck” did it for me, in every sense ». Clooney’s reference is to the 2005 film, his second as director, which consecrated him in the Olympus of stars, thanks to the victory of the Osella award for best screenplay and the Volpi Cup for best male performance at the Venice Film Festival. without forgetting the six Oscar nominations.

He wants to spend more time with his family

In the interview granted on the occasion of the Kennedy Center Honors – the prizes that are awarded every year in the United States to those who have distinguished themselves for their contribution to art and culture – the actor also spoke of the choice, made agreement with his wife Amal, to spend more time with her and with the twins Ella and Alexander, who are now 5 years old, while he is still old enough to fully enjoy his family. “Amal and I had long conversations about my age. I told her “now I’m 61 and I can do many of the things I used to do, but when I’m 81, it will be different. The next 20-25 years are good years… let’s try to live them differently”». Which, at the working level, translates into the renunciation of directing, unless one of the indispensable scripts happens to him. “Getting roles in movies is an easy job, much easier than directing them and so I can spend a lot more time with my family,” concluded Clooney.

December 6, 2022 (change December 6, 2022 | 16:07)

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