At the Concertone Fedez attacks Rai and Salvini. And the storm breaks out

by time news

Fedez he went up on the stage of the cavea of ​​the Auditorium Parco della Musica as one of the “bad” American rappers, with his cap pulled down over his eyes and a large sheet of paper in his hand. He didn’t smile, he sang the two pieces but he knew very well that all the attention of the audience at home was concentrated on that sheet. Since the early afternoon, the controversy has risen over his speech which it seems Rai wanted to sweeten to avoid the political clash but Fedez has stuck, communicated to his fans what was happening and, not before his wife made the appeal to the millions of followers who follow her to follow her husband’s speech, she attacked everyone.

Fedez against Rai

Rai first for asking for the text of the speech, then Mario Draghi and then the Lega and Salvini for the Zan bill. “It is the first time that it has happened to me to send the text of one of my speeches, because it had to be examined for approval by politics, which in the first instance was not there. Or rather, the top management of Rai3 asked me to omit names, parties and to sweeten their content. I had to fight a little, a little bit, but in the end I was given permission to express myself freely. Thank you. I take full responsibility for what I say and do, but know that the content of this speech has been defined by the deputy director of Rai3 as ‘inappropriate’“, began the rapper.

Rai3’s response

Rai immediately denied Fedez’s words: “Rai3 and Rai have always been open to debate and exchange of opinions, respecting any political and cultural position. It is highly incorrect and groundless to argue that Rai previously asked for the texts of the artists who attended the traditional May Day concert for the simple reason that it is false, it is something that never happened.“. The press release then continues:”Neither Rai nor the management of Rai3 have ever operated forms of preventive censorship against any artist of the concert: Rai broadcasts an editorial product created by a production company in collaboration with CGIL, CISL and UIL, which has in charge of the realization and organization of the concert, as well as of relations with the artists. This includes the collection of texts, as per practice“. With a subsequent note, it was specified that”the note relating to Fedez’s speech at the May Day Concert is the result of a clarification by Rai3, shared with the CEO“.

The attack on Mario Draghi

From the stage of the Concertone, Fedez then turned to the Prime Minister, treating him as if he were a longtime friend of his, calling him by name and calling him tu: “For show business workers this is no longer a party. Dear Mario, I understand that football is the true foundation of this country, but let’s not forget that the number of football workers and that of entertainment are the same. So, I’m not saying a few bucks, but at least a few words, a reform project in defense of a sector that has been decimated by this emergency and which is governed by regulations established in the 1940s and never modified until today. So, dear Mario, as explained on the merits of Superlega with great timeliness, his intervention in the entertainment world would be equally welcome“.

The attacks on the League for the Zan bill

After the thrust on Draghi, Fedez moved on to the strongest piece, pointing the finger at Matteo Salvini’s League in defense of the Zan bill, scheduled in the Senate. In his tirade, made from the stage of a musical event and without a counter-dictator, Fedez was able to freely point the finger at Andrea Ostellari, for weeks in the singer’s sights: “A few words about the man of the moment, the dozing Ostellari. Here is Ostellari, he has decided that a bill of parliamentary initiative therefore the highest expression of the people, which has already been approved in the House, as the Zan bill can be safely blocked by the desire to be protagonist of an individual. That is himself. But on the other hand Ostellari is part of a political party that over the years has distinguished itself for its great fight against equality, I would like to praise you a bit of their aphorisms“At that point, the singer listed a long series of sentences uttered by members of the League in various capacities over the years.

So, Fedez went on to emphasize the priority factors, including for him the Zan bill which, on the other hand, is not for the League. He therefore also attacked the association ProVita e Simone Pillon, member of the League: “The president of the Pro-Vita association, the ultra-Catholic and anti-abortionist Jacopo Coghe, a friend of the Northern League Pillon in recent months, was the first voice to rise up against the Zan bill. However, the anti-abortionist did not realize that the Vatican has invested more than 20 million euros in a pharmaceutical company that produces the morning after pill. So dear anti-abortionists, dear Pillon unfortunately you have lost too much time looking for the enemy outside, and you did not realize that you had the enemy at home. What a bad story“.

Matteo Salvini’s answer

The league leader responded to Fedez’s allegations in near real time via Facebook: “I love Freedom. I love music, art, smiles. I love and defend the freedom to think, to write, to speak, to love. Everyone can love whoever he wants, how he wants, as much as he wants. And whoever discriminates or attacks goes punished, as required by law. Fortunately, this is already the case. Whoever attacks a homosexual or a heterosexual, a white or a black, a Christian or a Buddhist, a young man or an elderly person, risks up to 16 years in prison. This is already the case. I invite Fedez again to have a coffee, don’t worry, to talk about freedom and rights“. Salvini, then, concludes:”The right to life and love are sacred, they are not discussed. For me, even the right of a child to be born of a mother and a father is sacred, while the mere thought of the rented uterus and of the woman conceived as an object make me shiver. Just as, as a father, I do not agree that 6-year-olds are offered in class thegender ideology, or games, songs and fairy tales are forbidden because they would offend someone. Let’s not joke. Long live Freedom, which cannot impose by law to silence or try those who believe that the family, as the Constitution also provides, is the cell, the nucleus, the heart, the past, the present and the future of the world.“.

ProVita’s answer

Also Jacopo Coghe replied to Fedez: “In front of the TV, at home with my family, I came across Fedez’s pistolotto and at a certain point I felt quoted and derided without the possibility of contradiction. But can a singer carry out these personal attacks without the possibility of a cross-examination?“. The vice president of Provita then concluded:”In his words I perceived an unprecedented violence, all this paid for with our money, because it is a public service. Rai cannot become a single voice megaphone. It is shameful as well as disrespectful of the rules“.

The controversy about the Concertone

Already in the afternoon, Matteo Salvini had expressed himself on the May Day Concert: “The concert costs about 500.000 euro to the Italians, to all the Italians, therefore the ‘left’ rallies would be out of place“. An intervention to which Fedez replied immediately:”I go to the concert for free and pay my musicians who have not worked for a year and on stage I would like to express myself as a free man without the artists having to send their speeches for prior approval from you politicians. His party cost us 49 million euros“The League had asked that the Concertone not be used for personal purposes.

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