At the council meeting, he presented his conditions

by times news cr

2024-07-03 09:41:59

“A new chairman – Viktoras Uspaskich – has been elected to temporarily lead,” Valentinas Bukauskas, who previously temporarily led this political force, told Eltai after the meeting of the Labor Party Council held in Raseiniai on Tuesday evening.

“I have suspended my powers as interim chairman of the Labor Party,” he added.

According to V. Bukauskas, the “workers’ council” decided to participate in the autumn Seimas elections. However, he did not reveal whether the party will join a coalition of political forces.

“The council made a decision to participate in the Seimas elections,” the politician did not elaborate.

V. Uspaskich, who returned to the party for the third time: I did it because of sentiments

V. Uspaskich, who is returning to the Labor Party for the third time, said that for the time being he will lead the “workers” until the congress. Then, he noted, a permanent party leader will be elected.

V. Uspaskich assured that he will not put forward his candidacy. The businessman noted that he would return to the position of permanent chairman of the party he founded himself, only under one condition.

“Everyone should say that all departments will have single-mandate officers, that they will work 24 hours a day. Then I would think about it,” said V. Uspaskich, who restored his membership in the party at the council meeting held on Tuesday, to Eltai.

“I said under what conditions I would return to lead. There was approval, then I restored my membership in the party. I had suspended my membership, I had not left,” he added.

V. Uspaskich, who returned to the party for the third time after leaving, explains that he did so because of strong feelings.

“There are a lot of good people here. But sometimes other managers don’t focus. Maybe there is no nature,” he said.

When the convention will be held, the politician continued, it is not yet clear.

“Now the most important thing is to accumulate everything. Voters must have the message that the party is alive,” said the politician, adding that he has not yet decided whether he will seek the mandate of a member of the Seimas in the fall.

“There are no such solutions yet,” the “worker” assured

Will seek to form a coalition of small parties

V. Uspaskich will also lead the Labor Party’s negotiating group regarding the autumn Seimas elections. As stated in the announcement made by the “workers” on Tuesday evening, it is intended to develop the negotiations on the formation of a possible coalition of political forces with the small parties of the country.

“I received the council’s authorization to conduct negotiations on the formation of possible coalitions to participate in the upcoming Seimas elections,” V. Uspaskich was quoted as saying in the report.

“There is little time left, so we have to consolidate and seek a consensus among the small political forces of Lithuania by forming a coalition, but we also do not rule out the possibility of negotiating with the big parties,” he added.

ELTA reminds that until now V. Uspaskich had suspended his membership in the Labor Party. He made such a decision when it became clear that the Financial Crimes Investigation Service (FNTT), conducting an investigation possibly related to the politician himself, searched the headquarters of the “workers”.

Recently, the Labor Party is facing not only law enforcement, but also political problems. After the unsuccessful presidential and European Parliament (EP) elections, A. Mazuronis resigned from the post of party chairman. This week, the politician indicated that he would also withdraw from the party.

Seimas members Vigilijus Jukna and Ieva Kačinskaitė-Urbonienė also made the decision to withdraw from the Labor Party a few months ago, and Viktoras Fiodorovs after the EP elections.

The Labor Party also lost its faction in the Seimas when Valdemaras Valkiūnas left it.

Faced with internal challenges and the withdrawal of members, the “workers’ council” began to consider the possibility of joining the Lithuanian Party of Regions, but it was decided to participate in the upcoming Seimas elections independently and not to unite with any political forces.

However, Valentinas Bukauskas, who temporarily served as chairman of the “Workers”, previously told Elta that the possibility of participating in the elections by joining a coalition with other political organizations is to be discussed at the council meeting. According to him, there are some discussions about possible cooperation, but at that time V. Bukauskas also did not reveal which parties were being discussed.

2024-07-03 09:41:59

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