At the end of the situation assessment: the entry permits of family members of terrorist elements to Israel were revoked

by time news

At the end of a security situation assessment held by Defense Minister Benny Gantz, it was decided this morning (Sunday) to deny the entry permits to Israel of 164 members of the families of terrorist elements in the area of ​​the city of Nablus – the vast majority of them are identified with the “Lion’s Den” terrorists.

The coordinator of the government’s operations in the territories, Major Rasan Alian: “The security system is working with all the means at its disposal to thwart terrorism in Judea and Samaria.

The terrorists who are hiding in the heart of the civilian population in Nablus knew that their identity is well known to the security system and that the path of terror they choose will affect their families as well, who will not be able to continue earning a living in Israel.” (Photo: Archive)

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