at the “Experience” space in Palermo the new collective curated by Leonarda Zappulla

by time news

After the summer break, the cultural space “Experience” reopens its doors with the collective exhibition entitled “L’Armonia, Noi e l’Universo”, scheduled from 14 to 28 September.
At the headquarters in via delle Croci 16 in Palermo, they will exhibit their works Alice Anti, Anna Maria Belli, Daniela Biella, Erica Bordignon, Antonella Canfora, Lia Chia, Sebastiana Coppe, Stephanie Corvino, Francesco Delli Noci, Alessio Fico, Marco Grechi – MARK, Maria Elena Magnani, Rossella Marino, Stefania Mincuzzi, Fabio Passeri, Concetta Polizzotto, Paul Residori, Dario Romano, David Romano, Carmelo Romeo, Paola Salome, Barbara Sandri, Alexander Sanfilippo, Maria Scalia, Christian Scano, Elena Schellino, Maria Velardi e Armando Velardo.
The theme of the choral exhibition is the current human condition, linked to the urgency of living a less artificial and virtual existence, more sustainable and experiential.

Topics very dear to “Experience”, a place where it is possible to become aware of one’s courage and start a change.
“The invitation – explains the doctor Leonardo Zappulloartistic director of “Experience” and art critic – is to move towards a life capable of refining one’s ability to understand others, the arts, beauty, culture and the spectacle of nature”.
And thus promote life itself, art, sensitivity, health, knowledge and freedom.
“Thanks to the works on display – he continues – the observer can develop a greater awareness of his own actions, of the impact they have both on the world in which we live and on the universe that hosts it, and in interactions with others, rediscovering that he is also sensitive to the needs of others”.
“Every day we try to welcome the sun inside us to get in tune with the world – concludes Leonarda Zappulla – trusting our feelings, evoked by the works on display, to let go of resistance while each one of us remains connected to the flow of our own, and universal, vital energy”.
The vernissage of the exhibition will be held on Saturday 14 September at 18:00.
The exhibition can be visited every day, from Monday to Friday from 10:00 to 17:00 and on Saturdays by appointment.
Admission is free.

On the cover, “Composizione” by Fabio Passeri, mixed media on canvas

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