At the museum of Villa Giulia people are ‘reborn’ with RomArché

by time news

“A great party to be reborn together thanks to archeology, open to all types of public including children, because a museum must welcome everyone”. The director of the Etruscan Museum of Villa Giulia in Rome, Valentino Nizzo, thus presents the 2022 edition of ‘RomArché’, the festival of books and ancient history which, after two years of silence due to the pandemic, is back in the spaces of Villa Giulia on 18 and 19 June, as part of the European Archeology Days, with a particularly evocative theme, that of rebirth. The event is curated by the Dià Cultura Foundation together with the National Etruscan Museum of Villa Giulia, supported by the computer company Siaed SpA, in partnership with the Appia Antica Archaeological Park and with EGA – Entertainment Game Apps. For two days there will be book presentations, conferences, meetings, historical re-enactments, educational workshops, guided tours, a lesson-event on the Etruscans and a sunset concert.

“There will be many educational workshops for children organized by the museum and by young entrepreneurs, totally free”, underlines Nizzo who, thanks to the fact that the exhibition falls “not by chance” on the dates of the European Archeology Days, has managed to contain a the ticket price is only 3 euros, which is free for children and gives access to all the initiatives. Among these, the presentation of the ‘Tular – Rasnal’ Convention between the National Etruscan Museum of Villa Giulia and the Municipality of Castel Sant’Elia with a re-enactment event of the I Rasenna Association. “‘Tular’ and ‘Rasnal’ are two Etruscan words – explains the director – which mean ‘border of the Etruscans’ and define a convention to which all municipalities who wish to do so can join. Up to now 40 have joined. The event of the subscription is celebrated with a historical re-enactment which is the great protagonist of the two days. Another initiative – continues Nizzo – is ‘Students at the crossroads’, scheduled for Sunday morning. An idea that came to me after receiving the email from the father of a young scholar disoriented about his future who was asking me for an interview. So I thought of this initiative in which I answer the students’ questions, I am at their disposal “.

And again the Etruscan Festival, an event linked to the sponsor EGA and presented by the owner of the company, Maurizio Amoroso, “grown a lot, which will take place in September and will take place in Umbria, Tuscany, Campania and here in Lazio right in Villa Giulia” , explains the director of the Etruscan Museum who, like a true volcano, has also devised an initiative dedicated to the visually impaired, curated by the Museum’s Educational and Accessibility Services, which is called ‘Journey beyond life’, “in which Life-size reproductions of some of the museum’s works made especially for them will be offered to the visually impaired. Among these, the famous Sarcophagus of the Spouses. be open to all audiences “.

Finally, another novelty of the 2022 edition of ‘RomArché’ is the magazine ‘Archeologi &’, published by the Dià Cultura Foundation, whose name with the ‘&’ was born because “we want it to be a magazine in connection with other disciplines – he explains the director in charge, Simona Sanchirico – The subtitle in fact is ‘History, Anthropology, Museology, Art’. A publication in which archeology is declined with other disciplines that explain the history of man, but which also contains interviews with the protagonists of archeology, with their personal points of view, with their experiences “. ‘Archeologi &’ is an online scientific periodical of cultural information accompanied by an in-depth monographic quarterly that can be downloaded free of charge from the website The issues are addressed in an interdisciplinary perspective which evocatively alludes to the use of the letter & in the title and in the various sections that make up the editorial project.

“The magazine will be distributed free of charge downloadable from our site and is a new editorial product, inspired by the transversality and interconnections between past and present”, concludes Sanchirico, explaining that there will also be a gem for tiktokers: “We will have small reports of young people reporters who will also make videos that we will post on our TikTok channel “.

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