At the Sorbonne, hundreds of students strongly protest against the “false choice” of the second round

by time news

Since Wednesday April 13, students have occupied the Sorbonne, Sciences Po and ENS. Their motto: “Macron is Le Pen!”

At the Sorbonne, 500 students (including a majority of antifas) are organizing general assemblies on the theme of the second round of the 2022 presidential election.

All entrance doors have been blocked. For them, the choice between Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen is a real dilemma: “You have to choose between neoliberal radicalism or fascist radicalism, and that’s horrible”. A student also explains: “We are too afraid that they will not take into account the subjects which seem to us to be capital such as racist, Islamophobic, sexist violence, the climate and the urgency to act in the face of the IPCC report in particular.”

Some students welcome this new mobilization, others deplore these blockages at the approach of the partials. This is reminiscent of the student blockades in 2018 against the Vidal law, which was denounced as favoring selection at the entrance to universities.

Unfortunately, during these blockages, several damages were observed: tables overturned, dislodged doors, tags on the walls…

In response, several Cocarde students came to evacuate the blockers from the Sciences Po campus and called on antifa students to accept “the verdict of the polls”.

At the Sorbonne, several students said they would not leave campus until April 24, the day of the second round of the presidential election.

Read also: University president illegally urges her students to “block the far right”

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