At work, should you put your emotions aside?

by time news
Our emotions have a use even in the office… provided that the organization of work lends itself to it. Rogerphoto/Adobe stock.

PSYCHOLOGY – Emotions can be perceived as dangerous or as a matter of desirable intelligence for the company. It is therefore necessary to be attentive to it… without being overwhelmed.

Bursting into tears after a bitter exchange with a colleague, getting angry with the superior who mistreats you, showing your anguish at the prospect of a reorganization… The occurrence of emotions in the professional world is rarely well perceived. “Expressing them can make you look weak, less professional, less reliable, in the eyes of colleagues, writes Aurélie Jeantet, sociologist and author of the book emotions at work (CNRS). Those who express their emotions in a dissonant or deviant way in relation to the group may be sanctioned by being put aside. A mistrust that is also applied more vigorously against “good women”. At the same time, some companies praise emotional intelligence, a mental skill defined by psychologists Peter Salovey and John Mayer in 1990. It consists of perceiving, recognizing, understanding and using one’s emotional states and those of others. “to solve problems and regulate behavior…

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