Ater L’Aquila: excellence in procurement management

by time news

An important recognition for Ater dell’Aquila, the Territorial Company for Residential Construction of the province. The organization, led by the lawyer Isidoro Isidori, has obtained the prestigious ISO 9001:2015 certification, a quality certificate that consolidates its role as a reference in the public procurement sector in Abruzzo.

The credit goes to the constant commitment of Ater staff, in particular the General Affairs Service coordinated by Dr. Alessio Di Bernardo. Thanks to careful work of reorganization of internal procedures and the adoption of high quality standards, Ater has managed to satisfy the rigorous requirements of the ISO 9001:2015 standard.

The certification ensures greater transparency in tender procedures, promoting competitiveness and fairness among participants. Ater is now able to offer high-quality services, both for its own internal needs and for those of other public bodies. The ISO 9001:2015 certification represents a guarantee for Ater’s partners, who can count on a reliable and competent organization. Ater is committed to constantly improving its processes, thanks to a quality management system oriented towards continuous improvement.

“This result is proof that Ater dell’Aquila is a cutting-edge company, capable of facing market challenges with competence and professionalism,” declared President Isidori. “The ISO 9001:2015 certification is an important recognition that pushes us to always do better.”

“We are very satisfied with this achievement,” added General Manager Alfredo D’Ercole. “The Ater procurement office is now a point of reference for all public bodies looking for a reliable partner to manage their tenders.”

Ater dell’Aquila looks to the future with optimism. The goal is to consolidate the results obtained and to continue to improve its services. “The ISO 9001:2015 certification is a starting point, not a point of arrival”, Di Bernardo emphasized. “We will continue to work to offer our customers increasingly efficient and high-quality services”.

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