Átlátszó’s prison interview with Tamas Portik was interrupted

by time news

2023-07-31 14:52:36

Citing technical reasons, the interview of Átráltszó with the person in prison was interrupted With Tamas Portik. According to the paper’s report, the prison command allowed the Skype conversation, originally planned for 60 minutes, but

after twenty minutes, a man in uniform gave instructions to interrupt the interview. They asked in vain what kind of technical error the conversation was called, because according to the paper, there was no problem with the video connection: everything was visible and audible. Until now, they have not received permission to continue the conversation that was interrupted on the morning of July 31.

Tamás Portik has been serving his prison sentence since 2012 for the underworld murders of the 90s (the Fenyő and Prisztás cases, the Aranykéz Street bombing). Most recently, in June of this year, the Capital Court sentenced Portik to twenty years in prison in the case of the 1996 trotting attack and the 1999 murder of his childhood friend.

#Átlátszós #prison #interview #Tamas #Portik #interrupted

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