Atopic dermatitis during pregnancy, what should be done?

by time news

2023-09-29 20:00:25

The WHO states that there are at least 200 million people with this dermatological condition.
In the first trimesters of pregnancy, skin pathologies such as atopic dermatitis can be exacerbated due to immunological changes.
The treatment for this disease is different in pregnant women compared to the rest of the population.

When a woman receives the news that she will become a mother, various feelings are generated. During the following months it is quite common for it to cause discomfort such as nausea and headache. At the same time, it is necessary to observe the skin because there is also a possibility of developing Atopic dermatitis during pregnancy.

Eczema is the most common manifestation of this condition and occurs most frequently in the first pregnancy. The lesions begin early, between the first and second trimester, affecting all parts of the body, including the trunk, face, palms and soles of the feet. It is caused by the immunological changes typical of the stage, such as cellular immunity deficiencies.

Why does this dermatological disease occur?

The Dr. Norma TorresMedical Manager of Inflammation and Immunology at Pfizer, explains that atopic dermatitis is a multifactorial disease, which may have a genetic component and is characterized by an alteration in the skin barrier with immunological deregulation that clinically results in an inflammatory process of the skin. associated with eczema and pruritus.

“While the first outbreaks of atopic dermatitis usually appear in childhood, this condition can appear for the first time or worsen during pregnancy in people with a history of the disease. “If there is any change in the skin, you should go to the doctor to take immediate action.”

What to do to manage outbreaks?

The first step is to go to the doctor because during pregnancy it is essential to control the disease with adequate topical management to avoid the use of systemic medications. It is advisable to use low-potency topicals and look for the minimum dose necessary for control.

The specialist adds that the following is suggested for pregnant women with atopic dermatitis:

Provide continuity to topical management. Some authorized medications can be used during pregnancy, but always under the responsibility of the treating doctor.

The use of systemic immunosuppressants It is not considered safe for use during pregnancy as adverse effects have been documented.

Hygiene and care measures are the first to be implemented in the event of an outbreak during pregnancy. Dr. Torres shares the following tips with us:

Keep skin clean. Short baths and avoiding very hot water are recommended. Use an oil or bar dermocleanser. Avoid using materials that scratch the skin, such as a towel, brush or sponges. Dry the skin very well by palpating it instead of rubbing it. Moisturize immediately after bathing to avoid humidity, it is best to use moisturizers with emollients. Always use fragrance-free products. Take care of your diet. Avoid some foods that are sometimes linked to allergies, such as shellfish, nuts, dried fruits and chocolate. Drink enough water. Avoid stressful situations.

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#Atopic #dermatitis #pregnancy

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