attack against Houthis, Israel accused of genocide

by time news

2024-01-12 12:27:29

► Washington and London bomb the Houthis in Yemen

The United States and the United Kingdom carried out strikes on the night of Thursday to Friday, January 12, against the Houthi rebels, who have been threatening international maritime traffic in the Red Sea for weeks. “solidarity” with the Palestinians in Gaza, and warned on Friday that they would continue to attack ships.

These strikes targeted military sites in several towns controlled by the Houthis, indicated the television channel of this rebel group member of “the axis of resistance”, a grouping of armed movements hostile to Israel and established by Iran which also includes Palestinian Hamas and Lebanese Hezbollah. The capital Sanaa and the port city of Hodeida as well as Taiz and Saada were targeted.

► Israel says genocide case before ICJ is “ totally denatured »

Israel said the genocide case filed against the country by South Africa before the UN’s highest court was “totally distorted” and did not reflect the realities of the conflict in the Gaza Strip. South Africa has “unfortunately presented to the Court a totally distorted factual and legal picture”said Tal Becker, one of Israel’s leading lawyers before the International Court of Justice (ICJ), which sits in The Hague.

South Africa urgently took legal action last month, arguing that Israel is violating the United Nations Convention on Genocide, signed in 1948 following the Holocaust.

Israel and its ally the United States previously rejected the case before the ICJ as unfounded. “ No, South Africa, it’s not us who came to perpetrate genocide, it’s Hamas”declared Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu before the hearings. “We will continue our defensive war, the justice and morality of which are unrivaled”he added.

► Gaza’s largest hospital partially resumes service

The largest hospital in the Gaza Strip, hard hit by the war between Israel and Hamas, has managed to partially resume service, according to the WHO, which supplied it for the first time in two weeks.

“A team from WHO and partners were able to reach al-Chifa hospital in northern Gaza today and deliver 9,300 liters of fuel oil along with medical supplies, to treat 1 000 trauma patients and 100 patients requiring dialysis »announced Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the head of the World Health Organization (WHO), during the night from Thursday to Friday on the social network X (formerly Twitter).

► The UN condemns Israel’s obstacles to the delivery of aid

The UN deplored on Thursday the obstacles by the Israeli authorities to the delivery of humanitarian aid, stressing that each delay costs lives. “Between January 1 and 10, only three of 21 humanitarian aid deliveries” planned in the northern Gaza Strip “were possible”detailed Stéphane Dujarric, spokesperson for the UN Secretary General.

During the night, the Hamas health ministry again reported ” many “ died in Israeli strikes on Gaza.

► Journalists killed in Gaza: Al Jazeera rejects “false and misleading” Israeli accusations

Al Jazeera on Thursday rejected accusations by the Israeli army describing the two journalists from the television channel killed on Sunday in the Gaza Strip as “terrorist agents”. Al Jazeera “strongly condemns and totally rejects – and even expresses its great surprise – the false and misleading attempts of the Israeli army to justify the murder of our colleague Hamza Wael Al-Dahdouh and other journalists”she said in a press release.

The one “was part of a group of journalists from different media, also including Moustafa Thuraya” and he was “killed simply for doing his job” added the Qatar-based media outlet. Hamza Dahdouh and Moustafa Thuraya, who also collaborated with AFP and other international media, were killed on Sunday by Israel in an attack on their car in the south of the Palestinian territory, while they were on assignment for the Qatari channel .

#attack #Houthis #Israel #accused #genocide

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