Attack in Kabul, car bomb outside a school for girls: over 50 dead

by time news

The death toll caused by the various explosions that took place outside a school for girls in Kabul on Saturday has reached over 50 victims, and over 100 people were injured. He reports it Tolo News. The school, located in the Dasht-e-Barchi district, inhabited mainly by the Shiite Hazara minority, was a high school attended by boys and girls, who study in three different time slots, the second of which was that of girls. The attack was the bloodiest of the last year and the beginning of the withdrawal of the last 2,500 American soldiers in the country is bloodied. Interior Ministry spokesman Tareq Arian explained something more of the dynamics: first a car bomb went off in front of the Sayed Al-Shuhada school, then when the girls ran out in panic, two other devices exploded. Most of the victims – the government confirmed – were students.

Afghanistan, Pope: “Inhumane attack, I pray for the girls”

Let us pray “for the victims of the terrorist attack that took place yesterday in Kabul, an inhumane action that hit many young girls as they left school. Let us pray for each one of them and for their families. And may God grant peace to Afghanistan”: and ‘the invitation addressed to the faithful by Pope Francis at the end of the Regina Caeli, recalling the massacre in the neighborhood inhabited by the Hazara minority.

Pope Francis also prayed for Colombia: “I would like to express my concern for the tensions and violent clashes in Colombia that have resulted in deaths and injuries. There are many Colombians here – he said addressing the faithful in St. Peter’s Square – we pray for your homeland “.

Kabul, UNICEF condemns the attack: “Unacceptable violence in schools”

“UNICEF strongly condemns yesterday’s terrible attack near Sayed Ul-Shuhada High School, in Kabul, Afghanistan. ” This was stated by Henrietta Fore, director general of the United Nations Children’s Fund, in the aftermath of the explosions in the Etifaq area of ​​the Afghan capital, an attack that ” claimed the lives of dozens of students, mostly girls, and seriously injured many others ”. ” Violence in or near schools is unacceptable. Fore – Schools must be peaceful oases where children can play, learn and socialize in safety. Children must never be targets of violence. Unicef ​​continues to ask all parties to the conflict to respect international human rights and humanitarian law and to ensure the safety and protection of all children ”.

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