Attempted lynching near Ariel: The GSS detainee will not meet with a lawyer on Monday

by time news

After being arrested on suspicion of involvement in stabbing an Arab during an attempt to lynch dozens of Arabs in a group of Jewish children near Ariel, the General Security Service extended the restraining order, prohibiting the Jewish detainee from meeting with a lawyer until Monday.

Following the extension, Adv. Adi Keidar of the Honno organization filed an appeal in the matter with the Supreme Court. In a hearing held today in the Supreme Court before Arab Judge Kaboub Khaled, after a court hearing, the judge recommended deleting the appeal, while GSS officials pledged not to extend the exceptional order beyond Monday.

Advocate Keidar said after the hearing: “Today a hearing was held in the Supreme Court regarding the continued prevention of the meeting. During the hearing, the Supreme Court recommended to the GSS representatives not to continue extending the prevention beyond the near date when it is about to end.”

Meanwhile, a demonstration in front of the Ariel police is expected on Saturday under the headline: “Stop the madness”, in protest of the arrest of the lynch survivor. The ads distributed prior to the demonstration read “Stop the madness! Twenty Jewish children and adults are lynched by dozens of terrorists armed with axes, batons and iron rods. The result: Jews are being tortured in the GSS basements and without a lawyer ?! Are we crazy?

It will be recalled that dozens of Knesset members wrote a letter this week to Police Commissioner Rabbi Kobi Shabtai and GSS chief Ronen Bar, following the ban on meeting the victim of the lynching near Ariel with his lawyer.
The Knesset members write in the letter: “At this time, a Jew was arrested and prevented from meeting with a lawyer, while none of the rioters who attacked the Jews with sticks and stones were arrested. Preventing the meeting is a violation of a fundamental constitutional right. We demand that he be allowed to meet his lawyer immediately.”

Meanwhile, yesterday Adv. Adi Keidar filed a complaint with the person in charge of the investigation, due to a violation of the detainee’s rights. , And intensive interrogations for long hours and throughout the night. The complaint states that the detainee even said at the hearing that if the situation continues like this, he will “even confess to the murder of Hitler.”

Recall that the detainee, married, in his forties, with no criminal record, father of 3 children aged 3,5, and 6, a graduate of military service in the Navy, was arrested on Wednesday afternoon, after arriving at the Ariel police to file a complaint about the lynching The hardship he went through with another group of children near the fence of the city of Ariel. To his amazement, he was arrested and transferred to the GSS for questioning, while he was forbidden to meet with a lawyer. The Ashkelon Magistrate’s Court extended his detention until Wednesday.

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