Attempted murder at a party in Town of Mount-Royal

by time news

(Montreal) An 18-year-old man is fighting for his life after being riddled with bullets the night of Thursday to Friday in Mont-Royal, a town in the center of the island of Montreal.

Emergency services received a call at approximately 1:45 a.m. to report a person with a gunshot wound at the residence on Trenton Avenue near Aberdare Road.

Upon their arrival, the Montreal police say they located the young man who was “unconscious and injured in the upper body by more than one projectile from a firearm”.

He was taken to hospital in “critical” condition and was still fighting for his life in the early hours of the morning, said the Service de police de la Ville de Montréal (SPVM).

“According to initial information, a party was taking place in a residence and suddenly suspects on the scene would have shot the victim and then flee before the arrival of the police,” said agent Caroline Chèvrefils, a porter. word of the SPVM.

The crime scene has been protected so that investigators and forensic identification technicians can attempt to shed light on the circumstances of this attempted murder.

By early morning, no suspect had been arrested.

Investigators had no guess as to the cause of the shooting, Agent Chèvrefils told The Canadian Press.

“It is still too early to establish a hypothesis,” she said.

Several witnesses to the event were to be met by the police.

The dog unit was dispatched to the scene to help search for clues.

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