Attention! How can we protect ourselves against the danger of “fake police”?

by time news

2023-08-11 19:34:11

Vienna. Scammers always use sophisticated methods to seize the assets of gullible people, one of these tactics is pretending to be the “police”.

Today, numbers with fake cops usually start with a phone call, even the phone number is falsified and shown as ‘133’. Usually speaking in familiar tones from Vorarlberg to Vienna, and usually not at all friendly, a man announces that the jewelery and money in danger of being stolen will be seized by the police, and that a colleague will come and collect them.

So how do these scammers work?

They often call older people and present themselves as police officers on the phone. Their main goal is to get information about money, property, gold and other valuables. The arguments commonly used by these people, who are adept at telling long stories in order to get the person they are looking for handing over their valuables, are as follows:

“A close relative of yours was involved in a car accident and is currently in custody. Bail is required for his release.”

“Thieves have been arrested in your neighborhood. We want to seize them to protect your property.“

„Bank employees engage in illegal activities. Please withdraw cash and hand it over to us for fingerprinting.“

Another thing to pay particular attention to is the subtle tactics scammers use to deceive their victims. Usually callers claim that a plainclothes “policeman” will come to collect valuables for “security”. Another sign of a scam call is the way the conversation is conducted. Scammers deliberately try to prolong the phone call using a combination of psychological tricks. This serves to confuse or emotionally manipulate the victim so that they become less suspicious or have less time to question the credibility of the caller. Finally, scammers often ask you not to end the conversation by emphasizing the importance of keeping the phone call private. By using this tactic, they aim to prevent the victim from consulting other people or noticing the scam.

Serious warning from the police to the citizen: “Officers never come to people’s homes to take their personal valuables”

Police officials warn people against this type of scam and list what you need to know as follows:

A real cop;

… does not call you to demand money from you.

… they do not receive information about your property over the phone.

…they never want you to hand over your assets to them.

… they do not come to your home to take your valuables.

How can you protect yourself?

Recently, this scam method is especially targeted at the elderly. This age group may generally be less suspicious of strangers and have less experience with modern fraud methods. Therefore, it is very important for family members and loved ones to talk to their elderly relatives about this scam. Additionally, the following situations must be taken into consideration:

Be wary of calls from strangers. Think critically: Is the story being told truly believable? Do not provide any information about your assets. Don’t let yourself be pressured – just hang up. Do not let strangers into your home. Never give money or gold to strangers. If there are people you suspect, ask their identities. If in doubt, call the police on emergency number 133. Always take the warnings of bank employees seriously! (
#Attention #protect #danger #fake #police

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