Attention Three Wise Men! Cofepris creates a guide to safe toys

by time news

2024-01-05 19:00:16

We are on the eve of Three Kings Day and it is a date that children look forward to. With this in mind, the Federal Commission for the Protection against Sanitary Risks (Cofepris) created a safe toys guide. The central objective is to prevent happiness from turning into tragedy.

According to tradition, all children who have behaved well during the last 12 months receive a gift delivered to their home every January 6th. The variety of options is quite wide although most want an entertaining present.

Guide to safe toys created by Cofepris

The highest health authority mentions that it is important not to buy toys that lack informative labels, that do not contain warnings and precautionary measures, or that do not guarantee the sanitary quality of the product and manufacturing materials.

It also emphasizes that the age recommended by the manufacturer. Improper use can expose girls and boys to suffocation due to ingestion of small parts or obstruction in the nostrils and ears.

Paints or coatings used in irregular toys They could be unauthorized and toxic as they contain substances harmful to health.

How was the safe toys guide created?

In full compliance with protecting the population from health risks and combating products that do not comply with health regulations, Cofepris carries out various analytical tests on toys at the National Reference Laboratory to verify that they do not represent a health risk.

The scientists of Cofepris They carry out analyzes to detect the danger that toy parts could represent based on their size, as well as the presence of toxic substances that are commonly applied, such as coating on surfaces, labels, cardboard, ropes, clothing and other accessories. integrated.

These determine the amount of lead that can be found in the toy and guarantee that it does not exceed the limit established by official standards.

Contact with this heavy metal represents a serious risk as it could cause conditions to the central nervous and circulatory system. It should not be ingested by children, who in early stages often bite, suck or accidentally ingest the pieces, or by simply handling a contaminated toy.

If anomalies or adverse health reactions are detected due to toys, it is important to seek medical attention and report to the telephone number 800-033-5050.

What are the rights of children?

Beyond the guide to safe toys, it cannot be overlooked that All Mexican children have rights. According to the CNDH, the complete list is the following:

Right to life, survival and development Right to priority Right to identity Right to live as a family Right to substantive equality Right to not be discriminated against Right to live in conditions of well-being and healthy integral development Right to a free life of violence and personal integrity Right to health protection and social security Right to inclusion of girls, boys and adolescents with disabilities Right to education Right to rest and leisure Right to freedom of ethical convictions, thought, conscience , religion and culture Right to freedom of expression and access to information Right of participation Right of association and assembly Right to privacy Right to legal security and due process Rights of migrant children and adolescents Right of access to information and communication technologies, as well as broadcasting and telecommunications services, including broadband and Internet

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#Attention #Wise #Men #Cofepris #creates #guide #safe #toys

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