Audits and more road inspections will reinforce safety on Galician roads

by time news

2023-04-18 12:46:00

The DOG publishes the decree that regulates this matter, which will enter into force in 20 days and which also reinforces the elimination of accident concentration sections

18 abr 2023 . Updated at 12:47 p.m.

He Official Gazette of Galicia (DOG) of this Tuesday publishes the decree on the management of the safety of the roads of Galicia, a norm whose project was announced at the end of 2021, transposing the European directive on the subject, and which the Council of the Xunta ratified at the end of of this month of March. Enter into force within 20, and suppose intensify control of road safety of the roads in Galicia through audits and further inspections.

The measures will apply to the roads that make up the Trans-European Highway Network and to motorways and dual carriageways owned by the autonomous community. But also to the rest of conventional highways located outside urban areas, and to those that, with the entry into force of this decree, are built using financing from the European Union, both new construction projects and major remodeling.

The decree introduces several instruments to strengthen security management on these roads. On the one hand, the evaluation of the impact of road safety, which will consist of carrying out a comparative strategic analysis of the repercussions on the safety of the network of a new road or of an existing one that is substantially modified. be performed during the initial planning phase.

Second, they will be effected auditorswhich will focus on verifying independent, detailed, systematic and technical of the safety of the characteristics of the design of a highway project. It will be applied to the different phases of the project, from planning to initial exploitation.

there will also be safety assessments of existing roads in the whole network. The sections of roads that are in service will be classified into categories, evaluating the risk of accidents occurring. With this, the Actions to eliminate accident concentration sections which are already carried out.

But in addition, the inspections of road safety on the different roads that are already in operation. could be periodic or specific. The periodic ones will include the verification of the characteristics and of the defects that may require a maintenance intervention for safety reasons. The specific ones will involve a visit to the road or section chosen to investigate and detect dangerous conditions, defects and problems that may increase the risk of accidents or injuries.

The Xunta reduces the accident rate by 60% in sections of concentration of accidents on regional roads

M. V.

The director of the Galician Infrastructure Agency (AXI), Francisco Menndez Iglesias, presented this Friday in Parliament the first results of the currentRoad Safety Plan 2022-2025, which made it possible to reduce the accident rate by 60% with the suppression of sections of concentration of accidents. For this strategy, according to progress, the Department of Infrastructure reserves 21 million euros with which continue developing performances to eliminate these dangerous segments on regional roads.

The investment to date was 16.8 million euros, financed entirely by funds from the get together.The actions consisted of eliminating 119 intersections, building 24 new roundabouts and improving 138 pedestrian crossings to improve accessibility and safety. Menendez Iglesiasexplained this strategy in response to a question from the PP in the Second Commission of the Autonomous Chamberin whose October 2017 plenary session an agreement was approved urging the Xunta to protect the most vulnerable road users and improve safety in all sections of concentration of accidents on autonomous roads.

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