August 17, 1915. The day an American Jew was lynched for the rape of his worker

by time news

2023-08-16 23:45:00

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PODCAST. Boss of a setting factory, Léo Frank is accused of having raped, then killed a 13-year-old worker. He is lynched by the inhabitants of Marietta.

Frederic Lewino and Gwendoline Dos Santos

Published on 08/16/2019 at 11:45 p.m. – Modified on 08/16/2023 at 11:45 p.m.

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On August 16, 1915, the Milledgeville prison near Atlanta was stormed by 25 armed men. Among the attackers, there is a former governor of Georgia, the son of a senator, a judge, a pastor, sheriffs, mayors, lawyers, bankers, wealthy farmers. They usually meet on a golf course, but a little lynching breaks the routine. They call themselves the Knights of Mary Phagan. They are after a prisoner named Leo Frank, 31 years old and whose sentence of hanging has just been commuted to life imprisonment. This decision enraged the entire population of Georgia, who therefore decided to take justice into their own hands by hanging over the Jewish industrialist. He is accused of having raped and strangled one of his 13-year-old workers named…

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