Aum-Athichart pushes power (POW) to be the leader of Thai herbal innovation : Maya Channel

by time news

Super cool! After the University of Phayao Revealing the research results of the first time in Thailand with innovation privileges Blue Spira research and development of phycocyanin And nutrients in Spirulina algae that the World Health Organization has certified as the greatest food on earth and has been successfully tested in humans. Atichart Chumnanon, Founder and CEO of Power Miracle Company. Co., Ltd. together with Phayao University and CMH Chiang Mai Holding jointly develop research on culturing Spirulina algae, Platensis species with a special method. Ready to bring research results to develop into herbal products under the brand “Pow Miracle” to solve the health problems of Thai people. and enhance the efficiency of helping to reduce blood fat

Aum-Athichart Chumnanon revealed that “Pow Miracle Company Limited has joined with Phayao University and CMH Chiang Mai Holding developed research on culturing Spirulina algae, Platensis species with a special method. It was found that the antioxidant phycocyanin was higher than normal. And it was tested in humans for the first time in Thailand. We have named and patented this research as Blue Spiara technology. The results of this research are good for population at risk of coronary artery disease, diabetes, high blood pressure. Stroke, which is a disease that results in the patient having the opportunity to be disabled or die prematurely. After receiving the results of this research, Power Miracle Company plans to use this research to develop a new product under the name Zukar Q as a dietary supplement. This is believed to be beneficial to consumers who are directly patients and those with risk behaviors with GHP factory standards and supported by research.

​“Every POW product development (POW) we have a certificate, a certificate from an agency that can verify that it does not contain banned substances. No harmful substances (Non-Toxic) and also passed the allergy test (Allergy Free) and passed the clinical trial on animals and humans (Clinical Trial-Animal Trial-Human Trial), which we are confident that the products including new products to be developed It can help promote good health for consumers and get good feedback.”

Mr. Atichart continued, “As a leader in innovation herb, POW continues to strive to develop herbal products to solve problems and promote sustainable health of Thai people. Research and development of ‘innovation ecosystem’ starting from Analysis of health problems of Thai people Study and research herbs with many leading universities and increase research potential with the National Nanotechnology Center. development office National Science and Technology (NSTDA) transfers cultivation technology to increase income for farmers. In addition to creating confidence for consumers that it is really useful and safe It also helps to promote Thai plant and herbal products. with Thai researchers for Thai farmers from upstream to downstream in order to get products with real benefits. Proven results with research Provide value to consumers and society, while pushing and adding value to Thai herbs. for export to the world market as well.”

Aum-Athichat also whispered that For those who are interested in more information You can follow the story of the innovation of Blue Spira and the development of research on cultivating Spirulina Platensis species with a special method. To health care products under the brand Power Miracle at Line :@pow455

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