Aurora Gude received a disturbing offer:

by time news

The case in summary

  • Influencer Aurora Gude (31) received offers to buy drugs on Instagram.
  • Gude expresses concern about the increasing availability and outreach of drugs on social media.
  • She encourages parents to be aware that children may receive similar offers.
  • The police’s Stig Vasbø confirms an increase in drug sales on social media and gives advice on how to report such incidents.

The summary is made with artificial intelligence (AI) from OpenAI. The content is quality assured by TV 2’s journalists.

On Tuesday evening, influencer and “Bloggers” profile Aurora Gude (31) took to Instagram after she received an unusual request.

In the message Gude received, she was apparently offered drugs. She was given a phone number and told that she could pay through Telegram.

In the same message, it appears that the account will be deleted shortly.

What is Telegram?

Telegram is an app similar to apps like Messenger and Whatsapp.

In the app, you can send text messages, photos and videos to individuals or groups. The app was for a period considered the most secure of the usual messaging services, and is, among other things, used a lot by people who spread news and reports from the war in Ukraine.

– A disturbing development

On Instagram’s story function, Gude wrote the following:

– I obviously don’t know how serious this is. But it is disturbing if it is going to be so easy to dope yourself. I am strongly against drugs, and do not think this belongs anywhere, she wrote and continued:

Photo: Screenshot / Instagram

– I know that there is unfortunately a lot of it, but the fact that availability is increasing even more is frightening.

To Good evening Norway, the 31-year-old tells that she first thought it was spam when she read the message.

– But then I read what was written there and thought “is this how drug dealers have started to promote themselves?”.

– In that case, I think that is a disturbing development, she adds.

I think parents should be aware

Gude says that she herself has been offered narcotic drugs in the past when she has been to nightclubs.

– But it has only happened to me once, so I have been very spared. It’s probably because most people know I don’t take it, she says.

But she has never received such a request via message. She herself thought that you had to work harder to find someone who sells narcotics.

ASK PARENTS TO FOLLOW: The influencer advises parents to be extra attentive in the future. Photo: Cornelius Poppe / NTB

– If they have started with outreach sales, I think it is scary.

– Imagine that it is for people who have considered taking a drug test, but who may not have done so. Then they see how easily accessible it is, then the threshold for trying is lower, she believes.

In addition, she encourages parents to be aware that such messages can reach their children.

– That young people, without wanting to, are offered to buy drugs. I imagine that this user sends the message to many profiles – both adults, young people and children.

– Famous profiles also take it

The “Bloggers” profile says that she has previously been blue-eyed when it comes to how many people take drugs.

– I have thought that public figures at least don’t do it.

But recently, the 31-year-old was around a large group of high-profile people, she says.

– Then I noticed how openly there was talk about different types of drugs, when you take them and how they work. So it is very widespread, more than you would think.

God thinks it’s sad.

– What can you say. Everyone knows that drugs are harmful and illegal. When even profiles, which I really thought were against it myself, also take it – then I think that all hope is soon gone.

– Should be talked about more

The influencer himself believes that the topic is talked about too little.

– Society is a bit like that. It changes a bit what we think about and talk about out loud. Now there are other matters that are important.

– But drugs are not something that is talked about much anymore. I think there should be a focus on it again, and not least a warning about the health disadvantages of doing this, she concludes.

The police: – There is an increase

Stig Vasbø is head of the intelligence section at the center unit in the Oslo police district.

He writes in an email that they are well aware that drugs are sold online and in various social media.

– The police see the most sales on platforms such as Snapchat and Telegram. Our experience is that it is marijuana, hashish, cocaine and MDMA that are sold most online.

The police’s impression is that there is an increase in the use of social media to sell drugs.

EASIER TO HIDE: Stig Vasbø in the intelligence section says that it is easier to hide one’s identity by using social media to sell drugs. Photo: Heiko Junge / NTB

– Here it is also easier to hide one’s real identity, which makes it more difficult for the police to know who is behind it.

– We have various professional environments that work on such matters. The police open criminal cases and investigate matters related to the sale of drugs online and on social media, he says further.

In conclusion, he gives advice on what to do if you receive such a message.

Then you can contact, among other things, the police’s online patrol, which is a low-threshold chat service to get advice and guidance.

– But it is also an arena for tipping off the police. The online patrol regularly receives tips about accounts that sell illegal drugs. We are working to stop this, for example by reporting accounts to various providers and creating reviews.

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