Austria: A politician from the Green Party formed a relationship with the journalist

by time news
Abroad Lena Schilling

The Green Party of Austria admits to creating relations with journalists

As: 1:17 pm

Main candidate Lena Schilling (The Greens)

Lena Schilling is sitting in the EU Parliament for the Austrian Greens from June 2024

Source: dpa

Austrian Green Party politician Lena Schilling has apologized for claiming she had an affair with a journalist. Back in May, research revealed that the 23-year-old doesn’t always seem to be very careful with the truth.

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DGreen Party politician and former climate activist Lena Schilling, who was recently elected to the EU Parliament, is far from the rumor that she had an affair with ORF journalist Martin Thür.

In the presence of her lawyer, the 23-year-old said in front of a notary that she was not in contact with Thür in person or digitally. Schilling also apologized for “giving third parties the wrong impression that I had a relationship with Martin Thür.” That’s what he reports “Standard”.

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The ORF journalist had already demanded such an explanation during the European election campaign. At that time, Schilling refused the request. It was only after the journalist’s lawyer prepared a lawsuit that the Viennese native changed her tactics. With the notary protocol, Schilling took responsibility and the matter was settled for him, Thür said.

Spread defamatory rumours

The “Standard” already confirmed that Schilling had a problematic relationship with the truth in May. A document available to the newspaper shows a declaration of retirement and demise in which Schilling promises to refrain from making certain statements in the future.

Schilling apparently falsely claimed that her husband hit one of her best friends and caused her to miscarry. In another case, she is said to have claimed to friends that a journalist she had regular contact with at work had sexually harassed her. The analysis of the conversations between Schilling and the man ultimately ruled out the journalist.

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