Austrian Burgenland Governor Doskozil: Asylum applications and procedures should be decided outside the EU

by time news

2023-11-08 13:27:27

Birol Kılıç, Analysis and Observation, 7.11.2023

There are remarkable developments within the left in Austria, despite harsh measures being taken against illegal refugees. The latest one came to light again yesterday at an important meeting. What does this mean for Türkiye? We talk, listen and watch to many people in EU countries. Let’s express our analysis and eyes briefly in Vienna in order to make a note in history.

What happened ? What is its importance for Türkiye?

Burgenland Governor Hans Peter Doskozil, representing the right within the SPÖ, „Asylum to an EU country should be decided outside the EU, and in case of a positive decision, how the refugees will be distributed within the EU should be considered. In case of a negative decision about asylum seekers in centers outside the EU, how they will be sent back to their countries should be provided without entering the borders of Austria and the EU.“ said. The SPÖ Governor of Burgenland, who has clearly moved away from the politics of the SPÖ Center federal party to which he is currently affiliated, stated that he assumes that this document is still valid for the federal SPÖ as well.

Speaking at the “Business Talk” event organized in Vienna by Thomas Prantner’s consultancy agency C3, SPÖ’s Burgerland State Governor Doskozil stated that oppressive measures such as tighter border controls at the borders of EU countries are not a solution, and that the procedural system regarding asylum should be changed. “When it comes to integration, the federal government and the states have a responsibility in Austria,” he said.

Asylum seekers currently entering the country will be required to sign the “Austrian Values ​​Code Agreement”

Another important point underlined by Hans Peter Doskozil (SPÖ), the governor of Burgenland, known as the center-right politician of the party that lost its presidency in Austria due to questionable reasons, was the following. Particularly for asylum seekers discussed by the State led by the ÖVP, Austria’s Christian Democratic Party signing a code of values He stated that it was important and supported it. Saying that procedural centers outside the European Union are needed to solve the “immigration problem”, Doskozil introduced the model he had developed for the SPÖ a few years ago, together with the Governor of Carinthia, Peter Kaiser, from the same party.

Doskozil: Increase in anti-Semitism, that is, anti-Semitic crimes, in Austria following the tension in the Middle East “a wrong immigration policy and a wrong integration policy” It was noteworthy that he stated that this was the result. As a result of the recent sad Israel and Gaza events in Vienna, especially Arabs, Muslims and local left-wing Austrians, who took to the streets and protested Israel harshly, attracted attention and were banned.

So where will these countries or regions outside the EU be?

Australia (not Austria) currently, as an island, keeps the asylum seekers coming to its country outside the island and initiates asylum procedures. Asylum seekers, whether they come illegally or normally, are gathered on an island outside Australia. Decisions are made quickly. Those who are granted asylum must attend and complete courses on the country’s language, customs, traditions, history and democracy.

Currently, Italy has reached an agreement with Albania. Italy will take illegal or normal refugees coming to its country to a part of Albania as if it were an open prison.

England agreed for such a study on Turkey’s borders. It is the common opinion of experts that, under the name of border protection, the UK is trying to send illegal immigrants whom it does not want to the west of Turkey, by paying high amounts of 20 thousand Pounds per head. There is no need to explain here at length that it is illegal immigrants who will drag a country into chaos.

The European Union, at its meetings in Luxemburg and then in Brussels in recent months, accepted the agreement between the EU countries to return them to the countries they first came from, despite the veto of Hungary and Poland. Illegal refugees are asked to pay 10 thousand Euros to 16 thousand Euros to their first country of origin, such as Hungary, and either take them back to their country or send them back. How Does? This is the crux of the problem.

Hungarian Prime Minister Orban, in his own words, sent illegal refugees coming to his country to Germany and Sweden, primarily via Austria, and has repeatedly said that he does not want refugees in his own country. Hungary and Poland stand out with their acceptance of almost zero asylum in European Union countries.

It’s all in Türkiye

AB, an expert on refugee issues in Vienna, answered our question: How do you evaluate these developments in this regard? “Turkey, whose economy is exhausted, whose hand is in whose pocket is unknown, whose control systems and democratic rule of law have collapsed and gone bankrupt, which has become the leader of the mafia and organized crime in Europe according to official statements, in other words, has turned into a mafia swamp, will be taken by the EU or an EU country.” By finding a formula for asylum, it is possible that 10 thousand Euros or more will be granted illegal asylum from Europe in exchange for sharing the money in the mafia political bureaucratic system. Calculate how much money 1000 illegal refugees are worth? 10 Million Euros. Guess what this mafia system will do for this money? All those coming are Muslim Arabs, Afghans and Africans. They all belong to Türkiye. Isn’t it easier to destroy the country’s secular system with these new citizens? Isn’t there a Win Win situation? said.

“Asylum centers” such as concentration camps at the external borders of the EU, “harder and stricter controls”, more equal distribution of refugees among European Union member states.

At the June 2003 summit held in Luxembourg under these headings, the EU agreed on a tougher asylum policy. Turkish experts following the EU refugee summit in Luxembourg said, “The reason why the interests of Turkey and its local people, whose negotiations for full membership to the EU are supposedly ongoing, are not even taken into account is that for the last twenty years, and especially since 2015, the government in Turkey has been acting as if Turkey is in exchange for money.” It turns the city into a refugee hell. The EU is of the opinion that ‘we will give money to Turkey and send the refugees to Turkey, which has economic problems’. “Nightmarish years await Turkey,” he said.

When we said that the reason why the President of the European Union, the German and Austrian prime ministers and foreign ministers congratulated AKP leader Recep Tayyip Erdoğan one after the other on May 28, 2023, without using urgent codes and subordinate sentences, not many people believed us.

Orban, the Prime Minister of Hungary, which the EU wants to expel from EU membership, announced that the entire government went to church and prayed for Erdoğan to win. The goal is for citizens of Syrian, Afghan and African origin who want to seek refuge in the EU via Turkey to stay in Turkey by paying money to the Erdoğan government. That was the reason for the applause. No one cares about the suffering of the citizens of the Republic of Türkiye.

What is certain is that many EU countries are pushing for a quick solution.

Considering the high number of asylum seekers and asylum applications to the EU and the EU elections to be held in June 2024, it is not surprising that many EU countries are pressing for a quick solution, because the indigenous people, especially in Austria and Germany, are male-only and He is disturbed by the refugees, many of whom come from an uncivilized world and disturb the local people.

Therefore, in Austria and Germany, the far and populist right-wing FPÖ party is officially on its way to come first in the 2024 elections.

So what does the compromise say?

The compromise of EU interior ministers essentially calls for much stricter treatment of asylum seekers and immigrants who are unlikely to stay.

In the future, people coming from countries considered safe, especially Turkey, will be sent to reception centers such as strictly controlled concentration camps under detention-like conditions after crossing the border.

Here, it will be examined whether they have a chance to seek asylum within six months under normal conditions. If they are unlucky, they will be immediately sent back to the country they came from, such as Turkey.

Roberta Metsola, paying attention to the statements of the President of the European Parliament, “More solidarity with the member states that are under heavy burden at the EU external border is good. Alongside stricter asylum procedures, there should be greater solidarity with Member States that are heavily burdened at the EU’s external borders. In the future this should no longer be voluntary but mandatory. Countries that do not want to accept refugees will have to pay compensation.“

At the June 2003 summit held in Luxembourg under these headings, the EU’s agreement on a tougher asylum policy was more or less accepted as the capital of the EU.

Good luck to both the EU and Turkey.

#Austrian #Burgenland #Governor #Doskozil #Asylum #applications #procedures #decided

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