‘Aut Art Festival’ is back, 4 days to talk about autism – Health and Wellbeing

by times news cr

(ANSA) – ROME, AUGUST 29 – The second edition of “Aut Art” is underway, the festival that tells the story of autism through the language of art. Scheduled from Thursday 12 to Sunday 15 September at the Teatro degli Eroi in Rome, “the event aims to contribute to creating a real culture of autism by giving space and a voice to autistic people”, explains Paola Nicoletti, president of the association ‘Siamo Delfini, impariamo l’autismo’ and organizer of the meeting. “A moment of celebration, of insights and reflections – she underlines – created in collaboration with about 20 associations in the area and beyond, a meeting that aims to be mutually inclusive”.
The program includes round tables on topics such as the future, health, quality of life, correct information, and then book presentations, art exhibitions, music and singing performances, acting and dubbing sessions, documentary screenings, theatre performances and live concerts. Each day of “Aut Art” will begin with “Aut Meeting”, a round table discussion on a specific theme, and the morning’s proceedings will end with a chat-aperitif. The afternoon will be the turn of “Aut Books”, presentations of books related to the theme of the day and creative workshops. From 5 to 6 pm, there will be space for figurative arts with “Aut Exibitions”, installations created with artistic works by autistic people, while from 6:30 to 8 pm, the protagonist will be “Aut Talent”, a space dedicated to entertainment structured as a non-competitive event.
Among the shows scheduled, the participation of Tony Esposito, guest on Thursday 12th at 6pm of “Aut Talent”. Also on Friday 13th at 8pm there will be “Il ragazzo Intergalattico – un’altra partita per Giò”, a theatrical show directed by Marco Montanari performed by Alessandra Ingolia and Barbara Menegardo based on the book “Per sempre Giò” by Viviana Locatelli. Instead, on Saturday 14th at 9pm the protagonist will be Arturo Stàlteri with “Dodecagon”, the latest album dedicated to Philip Glass. The Roman pianist will talk about his work dedicated to the great American composer considered one of the leaders of minimalism in a concert-show. On Sunday at 6pm there will be space for the mixed couple Niccolò & Niccolò composed of Niccolò Centioni (directly from “I Cesaroni”) and Niccolò Scarnato, autistic activist and protagonist of the film “Le ali invisibili”, protagonists with “La Diagnosi”. The complete program at ne. (ANSA).

2024-08-29 10:07:26

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